Arms Race and the First World War: Propaganda-information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, How do stories of German Invasion limit people’s knowledge of World War I During the time? e.g. the Daily Mail ran MANY stories (such as this one by William Le Queux) imagining German invasions. c.f. also John Buchan, The Thirty-Nine Steps (about German spies).
Obj:Analyze the causes and effects of Militarism by analyzing Propaganda Br Br 1) Why is North Korea a threat? 1) Why is North Korea a threat? 2) Should we get rid of our Nuclear Weapons to send the proper message? 2) Should we get rid of our Nuclear Weapons to send the proper message?
Project order: Project order: Mya, Daphnee, Nikki, Darvia (if not present, will go after break) Mya, Daphnee, Nikki, Darvia (if not present, will go after break)
Arms Race and the First World War: Increase in War Spending There was a four-fold increase in defence spending of the great powers,
Arms Race and the First World War: Armies - 2 But other countries built up their land armies too – in 1914, the largest population was that of RUSSIA. This worried GERMANY a lot. A) What message is the cartoon trying to give? This Russian postcard of 1914 shows Russia (symbolised by a woman) nailing the German eagle to a pillory after a war.
Arms Race and the First World War: Armies - 3 B)How did the previous propaganda distort reality?
Arms Race and the First World War: Navies - 2 Both BRITAIN and GERMANY started building Dreadnoughts – the most advanced class of warship in the world. The Dreadnought essentially reduced everybody else’s number of warships to zero.
Arms Race and the First World War: Navies - 3 There was a race between Germany and Britain to build the most Dreadnoughts. The graph shows the number built each year.
Arms Race and the First World War: Effects The arms race was tied in to both NATIONALISM and IMPERIALISM. It increased SUSPICION and HATRED of other nations - and it gave the nations the WHEREWITHAL to wage war.
What propaganda is the poster trying to give? How is the scope limited?
What message is the British propganda trying to give? How does perception limit the accuracy?
Your project Create propaganda(Propaganda-information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.) poster as if you were either British, German, and/or French. Create propaganda(Propaganda-information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.) poster as if you were either British, German, and/or French. Focus on following events: Militarism, Boer War, Moroccan Crisis 1 or 2. Focus on following events: Militarism, Boer War, Moroccan Crisis 1 or 2. Explain how perception influenced truth in your essay by making connection to your poster Explain how perception influenced truth in your essay by making connection to your poster