LOSE THE BABY WEIGHT: Emotional Eating & Wrap Up Week 8
Emotional Eating The practice of consuming food in response to feelings instead of hunger
Emotional Eating Excitement Boredom Loneliness Stress Anxiety Relationship problems Poor self-esteem All-or-nothing thinking Outside pressure Depression
Emotional Eating Poll: Have you ever eaten for reasons other than hunger?
What does emotional eating lead to? Guilt Weight gain Inability to lose weight Feeling of being out of control
VICIOUS CYCLE Of… Overeating Feeling Badly
HOW TO DEAL? Learn to identify your “eating triggers” Emotional Situational Physiological Social
Emotional Triggers Eating in response to negative feelings like boredom loneliness depression stress anxiety anger
Situational Triggers Eating out of habit or temptation Being around others who are eating Seeing food ads on TV Passing by restaurants or food stores Seeing free food at work or at an event
Physiological Triggers Eating to help soothe physical feelings in your body Fatigue Lack of energy Pain Thirst Not sure…
Social Triggers Eating because Others encourage you to eat Family tradition To fit in or make someone happy It’s what others are doing Overeating at parties or events
POLL: WHAT USUALLY TRIGGERS YOU? Emotional Situational Physiological Social
COMMON TRIGGERS FOR BUSY MOMS Fatigue! Kid food lying around Encouraging your kids to eat Bored at home Pregnancy habits die hard
BREAKING THE CYCLE – IT’S POSSIBLE! 1. Keep a food and exercise diary See food/emotion associations Identify patterns Identify triggers
BREAKING THE CYCLE 2. Make a list of non-food activities you enjoy. Magazine Music Walk around block Yoga pose 5 minutes of couch time Vacuum Organize a drawer Write an to a friend Phone a friend (emergency contact) Question game with spouse Take a shower
BREAKING THE CYCLE 3. Post list in a visible place On fridge or cupboard
BREAKING THE CYCLE When a craving strikes, follow 4 steps:
STEP 1 Stop. When you’re about to reach for food, simply stop
STEP 2 Breathe. Close your eyes for 4 breaths Helps stop the emotional reaction
STEP 3 Reflect. Ask yourself why you’re about to eat Bring mindfulness to eating Opportunity to make a good decision
STEP 4 Choose how to proceed. Eat a pre-thought-out portion Practice mindfulness while eating the food you were craving Do a non-food activity
BREAKING THE CYCLE Replace old habits with new ones Ex: smoke break
BREAKING THE CYCLE Habituating new habits Good habits just as hard to break as bad habits
REWARD YOURSELF FOR PROGRESS Recognize small successes by Verbal encouragement Self-rewards
REWARD IDEAS “Earn” the things you love Point system? Encouragement from someone Something every time you avoid emotional eating
THE ULTIMATE REWARD Seeing results and getting closer to your goal!
SUMMARY Keep a food record Identify your personal eating “triggers” Develop a list of alternatives to eating Follow the 4 steps when an urge strikes Reward yourself along the way
HELP YOUR CHILD AVOID EMOTIONAL EATING Encourage open communication Don’t make food a battleground Provide a healthy food environment at home Allow kids to listen to their bodies – what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat Involve kids in healthy food prep All foods created equal Establish routines Limits are OK – you’re in charge! Accept and be flexible with yourself – model how you want them to treat themselves
GIVEAWAY Metromint
WRAP UP Access to website & forum Until end of 2011 Send me your food record for review Until end of 2011 Keep doing your homework!
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