The dilemma of lead/led and loose/lose Is it led or lead? HELP! UWF Writing Lab Mini-Lesson #57.


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Presentation transcript:

The dilemma of lead/led and loose/lose Is it led or lead? HELP! UWF Writing Lab Mini-Lesson #57

Lead: 1.Lead is pronounced leed, and it is the infinitive form of the verb meaning “to go first.” 2.Its principal parts are lead, leads, leading, led, and have led. 3. Lead is also pronounced like “bed” when it refers to the graphite at the end of a pencil. Led: 1.Lead becomes led when it takes a past tense or participle form (example: has/have/had led and was/were/are/is led) Examples: 1.The valedictorian will lead the senior class across the stage on graduation day. 2.We were led to believe that the defendant was innocent. 3. The lead in each pencil is broken.

Loose: 1. Loose is an adjective meaning “not securely fastened or tightened” or “free from restraint.” 2. Loose rhymes with goose. Lose: 1. Lose is a verb meaning “to fail to win” or “to be unsuccessful in retaining possession of.” 2. Lose rhymes with choose. 3. The principal parts of lose are lose, loses, losing, lost, and have lost. Examples: 1. I hope we do not lose the game. 2. The loose nail caused the structure to wobble. 3. The student was upset about losing her favorite book.

Practice! 1.I felt bad about loosing/losing my best friend’s necklace. 2.The dog led/lead the rescue group through the mountains to look for the lost child. 3.The led/lead in my pencil broke while I was taking my test. 4.My dog escaped from the yard and ran loose/lose throughout the neighborhood. 5.The chair had a loose/lose screw, causing the chair to break when someone sat.

Practice! 1. I felt bad about losing my best friend’s necklace. 2. The dog led the rescue group through the mountains to look for the lost child. 3.The lead in my pencil broke while I was taking my test. 4. My dog escaped from the yard and ran loose throughout the neighborhood. 5.The chair had a loose screw, causing the chair to break when someone sat.