DO NOW! Suppose you have just discovered three new elements. Element 1 is a solid at room temperature, a fair conductor of heat and electricity, and not ductile. Element 2 is a solid at room temperature and shiny. Element 3 is a gas at room temperature and a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Classify each element as either a metal, non-metal, or metalloid. A certain element belongs to the p-block. It exhibits only moderate conductivity, is a solid at room temperature, and is not malleable or ductile. Further, it contains 4d electrons, but not 5d electrons. It is also known not to have chemical properties similar to those of nitrogen. Identify the element and explain your reasoning.
#40 Why is there a large increase in between the first and second ionization energies of the alkali metals? Answer: The alkali metals LOVE to lose ONE electron to vacate the s-orbital that they have half-filled. But to lose TWO electrons would be too many. They want to achieve the noble gas electron configuration. noble gases
much smaller atomic radius ionic radius #41 How does the ionic radius of a typical metal compare with its atomic radius? atomic radius ionic radius For Metals, the ionic radius is much smaller because metals tend to LOSE electrons from their outermost energy level.
Na #42 Which particle has the larger radius in each atom/ion pair? a. Na, Na+ Na
#42 Which particle has the larger radius in each atom/ion pair? b. S, S-2 S-2
#42 Which particle has the larger radius in each atom/ion pair? c. I, I-1 I-1
#42 Which particle has the larger radius in each atom/ion pair? d. Al, Al+3 Al
43. Which element in each pair has a higher electronegativity value? Cl and F F
43. Which element in each pair has a higher electronegativity value? C and N N
Mg Mg and Ne Neon has Zero electronegativity 43. Which element in each pair has a higher electronegativity value? Mg and Ne Neon has Zero electronegativity Mg
43. Which element in each pair has a higher electronegativity value? As and Ca As
they cannot pull electrons in. #44 Why are noble gases not included in table 6.2? Because they have NO electronegativity they cannot pull electrons in.
O Ca or O The one with the highest electronegativity #45 When the elements in each pair are chemically combined which element in each pair has a greater attraction for electrons? The one with the highest electronegativity Ca or O O
F O or F The one with the highest electronegativity #45 When the elements in each pair are chemically combined which element in each pair has a greater attraction for electrons? The one with the highest electronegativity O or F F
O H or O The one with the highest electronegativity #45 When the elements in each pair are chemically combined which element in each pair has a greater attraction for electrons? The one with the highest electronegativity H or O O
S K or S The one with the highest electronegativity #45 When the elements in each pair are chemically combined which element in each pair has a greater attraction for electrons? The one with the highest electronegativity K or S S
#46 For which of these properties does lithium have a larger value than potassium? a. first ionization energy? Lithium does
#46 For which of these properties does lithium have a larger value than potassium? b. atomic radius? Potassium does
#46 For which of these properties does lithium have a larger value than potassium? c. electronegativity? Lithium does
#46 For which of these properties does lithium have a larger value than potassium? d. ionic radius? potassium does
predicted undiscovered elements. The bar graph shows how many elements were discovered before 1750 and in each 50 year period between 1750 and 2000 In which 50 year period were the most elements discovered? b. How did Mendeleev’s work contribute to the discovery of elements? c. What percentage of the elements were discovered by 1900? 1801 - 1850 Mendeleev's table predicted undiscovered elements. 75%
4A carbon Write the symbol of the element or elements that fit each description: a. a nonmetal in group 4A 4A carbon
Lanthanium Write the symbol of the element or elements that fit each description: b. the inner transition metal with the lowest atomic number. Lanthanium
Write the symbol of the element or elements that fit each description: c. all of the nonmetals for which the atomic number is a multiple of five.
Bi Write the symbol of the element or elements that fit each description: d. a metal in group 5A Bi
#49 In which pair of elements are the chemical properties of the elements most similar? Explain your reasoning. a. sodium and chlorine b. nitrogen and phosphorus c. boron and oxygen same group
#50 Explain why fluorine has a smaller atomic radius than both oxygen and chlorine. Flourine is smaller than oxygen because it has more protons pulling the electrons in tighter. It is smaller than chlorine because it has 8 fewer electrons.
#51 Would you expect metals or nonmetals in the same period to have higher ionization energies? Give a reason for your answer. NON_METALS because the non-metals want to retain electrons and even get more electrons not lose them.
#52 In each pair, which ion is larger? Ca+2 Mg+2 Ca
#52 In each pair, which ion is larger? Cl-1 P-3 P-3
The answer to this is not in the book! #52 In each pair, which ion is larger? The answer to this is not in the book! Cu+1 Cu+2 Cu+1
#53 List the symbols for all the elements with electron config. that ends as follows. Each n represents an energy level. a. ns1
#53 List the symbols for all the elements with electron config. that ends as follows. Each n represents an energy level. b. ns2np4
#53 List the symbols for all the elements with electron config. that ends as follows. Each n represents an energy level. c. ns2nd10 Not correctly written! d orbitals are always lower than s or p orbitals!
#54 Explain why there should be a connection between an element’s electron configuration and its location on the periodic table. An element’s electron configuration determines its location (group) in the periodic table. It tells us how many valence electrons (s and p sublevel).
#55 Which equation represents the first ionization of an alkali metal atom? a. Cl NO, chlorine is not an alkali metal (it is a halogen) b. Ca NO, calcium is not an alkali metal (it is an alkaline earth metal) c. K K+1 + e- Yes this is an alkali metal and it is giving off one electron. d. H H+1 + e- NO, Hydrogen is not considered an alkali metal even though it is often listed in the same group
#56 Use the graph in Fig 6.14 to estimate the atomic radius of the indium atom. Indium is Number 49 It appears to have a radius of about 170 pm.
This information shows that ionization #57 What trend is demonstrated by the following series of equations? Li + 520 kJ/mol Li+1 + e- O + 1314 kJ/mol O+1 + e- F + 1681 kJ/mol F+1 + e- Ne + 2080 kJ/mol Ne+1 + e- This information shows that ionization energy increases as you go across a period from left to right. F O
#58 There is a large jump between the second and third ionization energies of magnesium. There is a large jump between the third and fourth ionization energies of aluminum. Explain these obser- vations. Magnesium has TWO valence electrons (3s2) It doesn’t mind losing those two because then it has 10 electrons…the same as NEON, a noble gas. But it doesn’t want to lose a THIRD!!
#58 There is a large jump between the second and third ionization energies of magnesium. There is a large jump between the third and fourth ionization energies of aluminum. Explain these obser- vations. Aluminum has THREE valence electrons (3s23p1) It doesn’t mind losing those three because then it has 10 electrons…the same as NEON, a noble gas. But it doesn’t want to lose a FOURTH!!
#59 The bar graph shows the relationship between atomic and ionic radii for Group 1A elements. a. Describe and explain the trend in atomic radius within the group. The atomic radius increases from top to bottom within the group.
#59 The bar graph shows the relationship between atomic and ionic radii for Group 1A elements. Explain the difference between the size of the atoms and the sizes of the ions. The since alkali metals all tend to lose one electron, they become smaller because that outer s orbital is now gone.