Do Now: You Win Some, You Lose Some *Answer all questions in complete sentences unless otherwise specified. Please number your responses in your notebook. 1.) What sacrifices do you think your parents/guardians have made for you to be where you’re at right now? 2.) What have you sacrificed for your parents? 3.) What have you sacrificed for yourself to be where you are at right now?
You Win Some, You Lose Some Objective: To help students recognize the rewards and sacrifices of specific careers as they relate to their work values.
What Do You Look for in a Career? We generally look at rewards (financial and emotional) of any given career. Rarely are personal and spiritual rewards mentioned. Sacrifices not noticeable immediately.
What can you do if you realize you don’t like your job? 1.Change jobs. Why might that not always be the best choice? 1.Retirement 2.Job Market 3.Family 2.Stay at your job and use your free- time to pursue your other values.
Look back on pg What were your top three values? What is your dream career? What values are met by that job? What values do you sacrifice?
Activity 111 Every job has its rewards and sacrifices. How well that career works for you depends on your own values. By knowing your values, you will know if a job is compatible or not. Look at the examples in your workbook. Reference pages 36 & 37 (Values) and write what the rewards and sacrifices would be for the careers written in your workbook.
Activity 113 Look at the career on the left and then circle two values you think would be met by the career. Finally, for the non-circled value, what would that person do to fulfill that value? Example: A social worker would fulfill both helping others and creativity (finding a creative solution to a problem. Power would need to be fulfilled after the job day is over by considering being an officer in a community organization or political group.