NextGen GA Fund, LLC A Fund to Accelerate NextGen Equipage Benefits for the General Aviation Operator Community
NextGen GA Fund: Summary The U.S. Congress has mandated all aircraft seeking access to Class A, B and C airspace, and Class E airspace above 10,000 feet to be equipped with ADS-B by January 1, This mandate is triggering interest from GA aircraft owners interested both rule- compliance and a broader range of avionics capabilities. Many general aviation aircraft will lose access to U.S. airspace without timely equipage. Repair station capacity is limited – Due to slow equipage to date, over 100,000 aircraft must be scheduled for upgrades within five years. Aircraft owners delay upgrades due to technology confusion, overall cost, and lack of financing options. “Section 221” of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 allows authority to incentivize and accelerate the installation of NextGen avionics systems in U.S. aircraft through an FAA loan guarantee program. The NextGen GA Fund will fulfill the intent of Section 221: The GA Fund will make use of private sector equity provided by aerospace companies, and debt provided by private financial institutions. The focus of the GA Fund will be on approximately 150,000 general aviation owners and operators (Part 23, Part 91 and Part 135 operators etc.). Ultimately, the NextGen GA Fund will support over $1.3 billion of NextGen equipment installations for general aviation owners and operators over the next 10 years. Page 2 Compliance Challenges ADS-B Mandate Solution
Key NextGen Applications for GA Operators GPS WAAS ADS-B Out / In RNAV / RNP Data Comm Precise global navigation for all phases of flight. Signal integrity and assurance. Supports ADS-B and RNAV investments. Accuracy will improve with new satellite capabilities. Page 3 Transmits precise location and other information about the aircraft to ground stations and other ADS-B equipped aircraft. With “ADS-B In”, aircraft obtain graphical and textual weather products, traffic advisories, and other aeronautical information. An aircraft using RNAV can fly on any desired flight path within the coverage of ground- or space- based navigational aids. Pilots can reduce miles flown, save fuel, and enhance safety and efficiency. RNP is RNAV with alerting. Datacomm will provide means of two-way communication for ATC clearances, instructions, advisories, flight crew requests and reports. The exchange of routine controller-pilot messages via data link will enhance capacity/safety. The U.S. Congress has mandated all aircraft seeking access to Class A, B and C airspace, and Class E airspace, to be equipped with GPS- capable ADS-B by January 1, Many general aviation aircraft will lose access to U.S. airspace without timely equipage. The NextGen GA Fund will finance NextGen installations, including WAAS-GPS, ADS-B (In and Out), RNAV/RNP avionics, transponders, Datacomm, displays, instrument panel modifications, antennas, other enabling electronic components, installation, and certification costs.
NextGen GA Fund: Target Market Page 4 FAA: Only 9,000 GA aircraft equipped as of January 2015 – well over 100,000 remain
Program Overview – Intermediary Model Structure NEXA GP & Mgmt. Co. LP1LP2LP3 GA Aircraft Owners and Operators Commercial Debt Facility Section 221 US Treasury Guarantees PPP Satisfies “Equity at Risk” (Sec 221) Provides governance Anchors industry commitment Investors Piston Rotor Fleets Turbine Credit Processing Partners Fund Manager Denotes Ownership by Operating Agreement Contractual Relationship Others Page 5
Contact NextGen GA Fund Head Office2020 K Street NW Suite 520 Washington, DC USA Phone Page 6