MONDAY, 2.9 Pick up the excerpt of The Jungle Answer the first two questions on your own in 5 minutes.
ANSWER FIRST TWO QUESTIONS SILENTLY IN 5 MINUTES. The United States has long been considered the “land of opportunity.” What are the expectations of man immigrants? What are the expectations of many Americans? Does reality meet their expectations? Are people disillusioned? What is Darwin’s theory of “survival of the fittest”? Extend this theory to basic human nature and explain how it applies to different aspects of society.
READ AND ANNOTATE We will read this together and you will annotated independently. Look for: Summaries Realism Questions Purpose Rhetoric I will answer questions if you have them, but I will not just “give” you answers.
1.How is this an example of realism? 2.“I aimed for the public’s heart and by accident hit its stomach.” This is a famous quote said by Upton Sinclair about his novel The Jungle. What does Sinclair mean by this quote? What was his purpose for writing this novel? 3.What are three characteristics of Sinclair’s writing style? 4.In the style of Upton Sinclair, write 4-6 sentences describing an issue that you think must be addressed in today’s society. Ideas may include sweatshop labor or climate change, but it is recommended that you come up with your own creative issue.
IN-CLASS MEL-CON TEST: TOMORROW!!! Rubric/Personal Writing Space: this is the only sheet you will be allowed for tomorrow’s test. Do not lose this sheet. You will lose 4 points if you do not turn this sheet in with your test. Understanding the prompt Rubric Directions for tomorrow One MEL-Con paragraph Blue/Black pen Lined paper 25 minutes
MONDAY, 2.9 Take out all of your realism notes/texts. Prepare for the Socratic Seminar
REALISM SOCRATIC SEMINAR Reminders: two before you, 25 minutes, respectful and academic, stay on topic Outer Circle: respectful posture and behavior, no talking or phones, complete half sheet
IN-CLASS MEL-EL-CON TEST: TOMORROW!!! Rubric/Personal Writing Space: this is the only sheet you will be allowed for tomorrow’s test. Do not lose this sheet. You will lose 4 points if you do not turn this sheet in with your test. Understanding the prompt Rubric Directions for tomorrow One MEL-Con paragraph Blue/Black pen Lined paper 35 minutes No headphones, phones, or help from classmates. Completely independent