Relationships and Connections with those around you matter. Strong relationships and connections will help you succeed in life.
* Working together, you will achieve more. * Together, you will study the Public Victory section of the book based on the standards and expectations. * Together, you will create roles and responsibilities within the group. * Together, you will create goals and timelines for completion. * Together, you will establish expectations for behavior and participation in the group.
* You will be able to: * Fully describe the RBA concept. * Describe deposits and withdrawals * Keeping Promises * Do Small Acts of Kindness * Be Loyal * Listen * Say Your Sorry * Set Clear Expectations
* You will be able to: * Fully describe Win-Win, Win-Lose, Lose-Win, Lose-Lose. * Describe the negative impacts of Competing and Comparing. * Describe the fruits of Win-Win.
* You will be able to: * Fully describe Seek First to Understand then to be Understood. * Describe the deepest need of the human heart. * Describe the concept of Listen with your eyes, heart and ears. * Describe the poor listening styles. * Describe genuine listening. * Describe how you can better communicate with parents. * Describe how to be understood.
* You will be able to: * Fully describe what Synergy is. * Celebrating differences * Teamwork * Open-mindedness * Finding new and better ways * Describe shunners, tolerators, celebrators. * Describe the concept “We are all a minority of one”. * Describe roadblocks to celebrating differences. * Describe the Action Plan for getting to Synergy. * Describe the different types of people that make up a team.
* Team leaders are responsible for: * Communicating with the teacher * Insuring that everyone is involved * Insuring that the group is on task and on time. * Please choose your team leader.
* Take 5 minutes to list your team ground rules and expectations. * What will teammates be responsible for? * How will they treat each other? * What happens if someone is absent a lot? * What happens if they do not meet these expectations?