How I Run My Classroom
Respect for Everyone and Everything is our most important value.
Useful Words and Actions: Showing Respect Please Thank you I’m sorry Excuse me Forgive me... All done with “honest” tone of voice and body language
Feel free to do anything that doesn’t cause a problem for anyone else.
If you cause a problem, I will ask you to fix it.
If you can’t solve the problem, or choose not to, I will do something.
The Key to the Colors Green means...You’re Doing Great Yellow means...Warning – Think about what you are doing and make a correction. Orange means...Refocus table / refocus form filled out / lose 5 minutes of recess. Red means...Removal from the group / phone call home / lose 15 minutes of recess. Black means...Office referral.
What I do will depend on the person and the situation.
In This Class, We All:... Are Musicians and Performers... Are Musicians and Performers... Are Growing in Skills, Knowledge, and Attitude.... Are Growing in Skills, Knowledge, and Attitude.... Are people who can “get it.”... Are people who can “get it.”
Think about this: The barrier to greatness is being “good enough”
And remember... Do your best! Do your best! Don’t give up! Don’t give up! We believe in YOU! We believe in YOU! You will succeed and we’ll help you get there! You will succeed and we’ll help you get there!