Le faire Causative FSF4U
Le faire Causative The French causative construction describes an action that is being caused—rather than performed—by the subject of the sentence:The French causative construction describes an action that is being caused—rather than performed—by the subject of the sentence: he/she/it is causing something to happen, having something done, or making someone do something.he/she/it is causing something to happen, having something done, or making someone do something.
Le faire Causative A causative sentence must have a subject (which may be a person or thing), the conjugated verb faire, and the infinitive of another verb, as well as at least one of these two things: a "receiver" (a person or thing being acted upon) and/or an "agent" (a person or thing being made to act).A causative sentence must have a subject (which may be a person or thing), the conjugated verb faire, and the infinitive of another verb, as well as at least one of these two things: a "receiver" (a person or thing being acted upon) and/or an "agent" (a person or thing being made to act).
Le faire Causative 1. Receiver only The subject of the sentence makes something happen to the receiver: subject + faire + infinitive + receiver Je fais laver la voiture. I'm having the car washed. Je fais laver la voiture. I'm having the car washed. Il fait réparer la machine. He's having the machine repaired. Il fait réparer la machine. He's having the machine repaired. J'ai fait faire un gâteau. I had a cake made J'ai fait faire un gâteau. I had a cake made
Le faire Causative 2. Agent only The subject makes the agent do something: subject + faire + infinitive + agent Note that there is no preposition.* Je fais écrire David. I'm making David write. Je fais écrire David. I'm making David write. Il fait manger sa sœur. He makes his sister eat. Il fait manger sa sœur. He makes his sister eat. Les orages font pleurer mes enfants. Storms make my children cry. Les orages font pleurer mes enfants. Storms make my children cry.
Le faire Causative 3. Receiver + Agent: The subject has the agent do something to the receiver: subject + faire + infinitive + receiver + par or à * + agent 3. Receiver + Agent: The subject has the agent do something to the receiver: subject + faire + infinitive + receiver + par or à * + agent Je fais laver la voiture par/à David. I'm having David wash the car. Je fais laver la voiture par/à David. I'm having David wash the car. Vas-tu faire examiner les enfants par le/au médecin ? Are you going to have the doctor examine the kids? Vas-tu faire examiner les enfants par le/au médecin ? Are you going to have the doctor examine the kids? Note that the agent is preceded by a preposition only when there is also a receiver; this is particularly important when they are both people, as in the final example, because it lets you know which is which.
Le faire Causative The causative is used reflexively (with a reflexive pronoun) to indicate that the subject has something done to himself or asks someone to do something to/for him.The causative is used reflexively (with a reflexive pronoun) to indicate that the subject has something done to himself or asks someone to do something to/for him. Je me fais coiffer deux fois par mois. I get my hair done (literally, "I get myself coiffed") twice a month. Je me fais coiffer deux fois par mois. I get my hair done (literally, "I get myself coiffed") twice a month. Il se fait apporter le café chaque matin. He has [someone] bring him coffee, He has coffee brought to him every morning. Il se fait apporter le café chaque matin. He has [someone] bring him coffee, He has coffee brought to him every morning.
Le faire Causative Objects and object pronouns The causative construction always has a direct object, which may be either the receiver or the agent. When replacing the direct object with an object pronoun, that pronoun is placed in front of faire. Objects and object pronouns The causative construction always has a direct object, which may be either the receiver or the agent. When replacing the direct object with an object pronoun, that pronoun is placed in front of faire. Je fais écrire une lettre. > Je la fais écrire. ( lettre [ la ] is the receiver) I'm having a letter written. > I'm having it written. Je fais écrire une lettre. > Je la fais écrire. ( lettre [ la ] is the receiver) I'm having a letter written. > I'm having it written. Je fais écrire David. > Je le fais écrire. ( David [ le ] is the agent) I'm having David write. > I'm having him write. Je fais écrire David. > Je le fais écrire. ( David [ le ] is the agent) I'm having David write. > I'm having him write.
Le faire Causative Agreement Normally when a compound tense is preceded by a direct object, there needs to be agreement. However, this is not the case with the causative, which has no direct object agreement. Il a fait travailler les enfants. > Il les a fait travailler. (not "faits" ) He made the children work. > He made them work. Il a fait travailler les enfants. > Il les a fait travailler. (not "faits" ) He made the children work. > He made them work. J'ai fait étudier Christine. > Je l'ai fait étudier. (not "faite" ) I made Christine study. > I made her study. J'ai fait étudier Christine. > Je l'ai fait étudier. (not "faite" ) I made Christine study. > I made her study.
Le faire Causative Textbook - p 125 Je pratique…Textbook - p 125 Je pratique… Cahier – p A, B, C, E, ACahier – p A, B, C, E, A