BOTSWANA FANRPAN NODE: National Workshop for Node Revitalisation 24 August 2007, Gaborone, Botswana THE NEED FOR NETWORKING AT NATIONAL LEVEL Lindiwe Majele.


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Presentation transcript:

BOTSWANA FANRPAN NODE: National Workshop for Node Revitalisation 24 August 2007, Gaborone, Botswana THE NEED FOR NETWORKING AT NATIONAL LEVEL Lindiwe Majele Sibanda

Outline of Presentation FANRPAN Mandate-Constitution Challenges Facing Southern Africa The Need for Networks FANRPAN FANRPAN The FANRPAN Node Acknowledgements

To promote appropriate agricultural and natural resources policy in order to reduce poverty, increase food security and enhance sustainable agricultural development in the SADC region. Focus:  Improving policy research, analysis and formulation on key SADC priority themes  Developing human and institutional capacity for coordinated policy dialogue among all stakeholders  Improving policy decision making by enhancing the generation, exchange and use of policy-related information Members: Farmers, Government, Researchers, Private sector in 12 southern African countries FANRPAN created in 1997, registered in 2002

Development Targets Continental Commitments MDGs –vision 2015 NEPAD CAADP- 6% annual growth and 10% national budget for agriculture Regional Economic Communities Activated SADC timetable -Free Trade Area-2008, Customs Union Common Market by 2015 COMESA’s Agricultural Plan 2006, Abuja Declaration from 8 to 50kg fertilizer/ha Omamo (2003), Policy Research on African Agriculture: Trends, Gaps, and Challenges, International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR) Research Report No 21

Players in the Business of Policy Analysis- SUPPLIER- ECONOMISTS / SOCIO-ECONOMISTS????? CLIENT- Policy Maker, Connector, Farmer???? WHO USES YOUR PRODUCTS? WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABOUT CUSTOMER CARE?

Stakeholders in Policy-Making Stakeholders are “those who must be satisfied with the policies or those who gain or lose something from a given policy”. Policy makers Legal professionals and politicians, farmer organizations Researchers, technicians, policy analysts and media, professionals, agri-business Activist groups, Ordinary citizens People with experience, influence and expertise

Monitoring and Evaluation Agenda Setting Decision Making Policy Implementation Policy Formulation Policy Processes Civil Society Donors Cabinet Parliament Ministries Private Sector Source: John Young, Networking for impact. Experience from CTA supported regional agricultural policy networks, 2007

Evidence Experience & Expertise Judgement Resources Values and Policy Context Habits & Tradition Lobbyists & Pressure Groups Pragmatics & Contingencies Networks influencing policy making Source: Phil Davies Impact to Insight Meeting, ODI, 2005

Southern Africa- is a challenging environment The dual mandate-poverty reduction and economic growth Dual economy- smallholder and large scale farmers Weak Private sector (farmers and agribusiness) Suspicion and antagonism between the state and non state actors Disparity in economic status between countries Trade liberalization and social protection Unsustainable use and inequitable access to natural resources

Southern African Research and Networking Environment Renewed opportunities for strengthening agricultural policy formation African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) Southern Africa Trade Policy Research Network (SATPRN) Southern Africa Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWSNET) The Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support Systems (Re- SAKSS) Regional networks on natural resources conservation and commodities: Southern Africa Root Crops Research Network (SARRNET) and the Soil Fertility Network, WATERNET FANRPAN-2002 African Association of Agricultural Economists-2004 SADC-MAPP (2007)

The translation of academic research into policy analysis, recommendations leading to adoption is a critical weakness Various stakeholders want to contribute to this process- the HOW is a challenge The need for capacity building is mandatory and not an option: Strengthening the DEMAND SIDE & SUPPLY SIDE Challenges/Gaps in policy processes

The niche for FANRPAN Linking the Policy SUPPLY to the DEMAND side (business unusual-as backgrounds are diverse) Partnerships for stakeholders on a journey-avoid extractive engagements FANRPAN- an all inclusive dialogue platform that brings government, policy analysts, farmers and private sector to work together in policy development Regional Approach allows learning between countries

FANRPAN Strategic Plan VISION  A food secure southern Africa free from hunger and poverty MISSION  WHAT-To promote evidence based policy development in the Food Agriculture and Natural Resources sector HOW  facilitating linkages and partnerships between government and civil society  building the capacity for policy analysis and policy dialogue in southern Africa

Institutionalizing FANRPAN as a Recognized Source of Research-Based Policy Analysis for Agriculture and Natural Resources in Southern Africa Strengths  Access to policy makers (Ministers, Permanent Secretaries in key policy-making ministries, and parliamentarians)  Network of researchers (universities, government and private sector analysts)--can mobilize research teams for regional projects  Strong links to advocacy NGOs at national and regional levels  Links to regional and sub-regional institutions--SADC, COMESA, FARA, NEPAD  International linkages--CGIAR centers, Universities USA and Europe and Networks in other Regions, donors

FANRPAN's Policy Research Position the Network to be a recognized and pre- eminent supplier of evidence to support to agricultural policy change processes in southern Africa The success of FANRPAN depends on the quality of its technical analysis The quality depends on the strength of the national nodes, capacity building programmes, and partnerships Partnership agreements 17 partnership agreement with some 17 regional and international organisations comprising of CGIARs, Universities Regional economic communities and private sector

FANRPAN Strategic Thrust Capacity Building Policy Research Voice

Policy Dialogues-Voice strategy POLICY DIALOGUES dissemination of relevant policy information and soliciting inputs from stakeholders Policy Dialogues incorporate new actors an innovative systems approach that promotes interactions between research, knowledge use and policy development; civil society playing a pivotal role as a connector Regional Dialogues attract senior policy makers National Dialogues hosted by CSOs

FANRPAN Strategic OBJECTIVES Promoting regional economic integration CAADP Pillars 1, 2, 3, 4 Positioning southern Africa for a competitive international trade environment - CAADP Pillar 2 Creating a conducive agricultural policy environment for reducing poverty and vulnerability - CAADP Pillar 3 Promoting Technology adoption, innovation and adaptation - CAADP Pillar 4

FANRPAN Programming Areas & Level of Engagement Programming Areas 1. Food Systems 2. Agricultural Systems 3. Natural Resources and Environment Engagement in Full Policy Cycle from collection and generation of data and information, analysis, dialogue, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of outcomes.

FANRPAN ORGANOGRAM Members- Country Nodes Board of Governors Regional secretariat Programme Staff Project Staff

What does it take to achieve Development Targets 1. RETOOLING- for RELEVANCE Capacitating specific stakeholder groups to influence policies (economic analysis, policy analysis, policy advisors and policy advocates) 2. SMART PARTNERSHIPS – for Capacity building and linking the message to the messengers – understanding role existing institutions, crafting new ones 3. Strengthening Voice platforms- ride on African oral culture 4. Africans setting national development targets linked to MGDs and CAADP 5. Monitoring and communicating the Impact of what we do

Critical role of nodes Maintain database of Stakeholders-networks are about people Strong coordinating institution/platform Active in maintaining interface between policy supply and policy demand Coordinating Research and dialogue activities Lead Policy dialogues-leading to policy advice

THANK YOU FANRPAN is most grateful to:  DR H SIGWELE Former CEO, developed FANRPAN constitution and Strategic plan (2002-7)  PROF I Mazonde and Mr Macala University of Botswana and Ministry of Agriculture Volunteered time as node coordinators  Dr R Tsheko Consultant for Node revitalisation Funding for this meeting provided by DFID and USAID  FANRPAN Website: Omamo (2003), Policy Research on African Agriculture: Trends, Gaps, and Challenges, International Service for National Agricultural Research (ISNAR) Research Report No 21 DFID Department for International Development