Interception of User’s Characteristics on the Web Michal Barla PeWe FIIT STU BA
Interception of User's Characteristics on the Web 2 Adaptation process loop Peter Brusilovsky. Methods and techniques of adaptive hypermedia. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 6(2-3):87–129, 1996.
Interception of User's Characteristics on the Web 3 Collection of Data Modeling based upon observing the user’s actions Server side log –Full control of the server we are sure to gain data –We can lose the time-related information – caching, back button usage Client side log –We are not sure whether the logging would be executed –detailed information about user’s actions
Interception of User's Characteristics on the Web 4 Click - Client-side action recorder Using JavaScript –Standard Web technology –Asynchronous communication with server (Ajax) –Native access to the DOM Using DOM2, dynamically hooked event handlers Communication with web service on the server side –Adds semantic to the log
Interception of User's Characteristics on the Web 5 Data Analysis Transformation of actions into knowledge about user in the user model Results are not 100% certain –Only estimation of the characteristic –User may perform in contrast with real goals and preferences
Interception of User's Characteristics on the Web 6 Heuristics
Interception of User's Characteristics on the Web 7 Comparing concepts Reasons of different reactions are in differences of concepts Comparison of concepts can reveal the characteristics (ir)relevant to the user ConCom tool