September /October 2009
Our vocation is where our deepest passion meets the world’s greatest need. By Theologian Frederick Buechner Paraphrased by Dr. Katherine Mitchell
Outcomes- Teachers will: Discuss the importance of continually improving and adapting instruction. Discuss the importance of collaboration and teamwork as a way of organizing teaching and learning in their school. Begin to prioritize professional development needs in grade level groups.
Parameters I will participate in a way that creates a comfortable atmosphere for sharing both successes and failures. I am willing to question, get outside my current mindset, and be open to new ideas and solutions. I value team members and their input. I am willing to help, support, and trust other team members. I am committed to being “totally present” and will stay on task during our time together. I will put away ALL distractions. I will talk about things I can control.
“You can’t see the forest for the trees.” “ If we get lost in the “trees” of skills and strategies and lose sight of the “forest” of larger understandings about reading, we often end up with students who can do skills and strategies but who do not become readers.” -Gerald G. Duffy
Quick Quiz using Response Cards Use your response cards to answer the following questions :
Response Card Procedure Lay out your cards A=yellow B=green C=Red Fingertips beside cards Listen to me (read the question) Think Respond to “show me”
1. The most important determinant of student achievement is: a. Socioeconomic status b. Teacher knowledge and expertise c. Parental and societal factors
2. Most of the achievement gap between poor minority children and students in more affluent communities can be explained by: a. Access to more resources and better facilities b. Family income and parental education levels c. Differences in the quality of teaching
3. How much time per year does the average teacher spend in professional learning? a. 8 hours or less b. 3 days c. One week
4. What percent of teachers identified strong results from those learning experiences? a. 8% b. 15% c. 42%
5. Which group reported spending the least amount of time working together with colleagues on instruction? a. Beginning teachers b. Elementary teachers c. Secondary teachers
6. Teacher experience (years of teaching) is correlated with gains in teaching quality in what way? a. The more experienced the teacher, the higher the quality of the teaching. b. There is no correlation between teacher experience and teaching quality. c. There is little or no correlation between experience and teaching quality after the first year of teaching.
7. Which of these structures has proven to be essential for improving teaching quality? a. Collaboration to improve instruction b. Supportive school conditions and culture c. Both A & B
Jigsaw Number off Part 1: Effective Teaching Matters 2. Part 2: Teacher Opportunities to Learn Matter 3. Part 3: Collaborative Team Learning Works 4. Everyone! Part 4: Doing What Matters
Focus Questions: “What does the research say?” What do we need to continually improve and adapt our instruction? Why should we work in professional leaning teams to do this? How can working together on instruction make a difference for us? How can working together on instruction make a difference for our students?
What are the most powerful points you want to remember from each section of this reading? Important Details 2 Connections to the Article 1 Action You will take to your Grade Level
Quality Instruction Keeping in mind that student achievement is our goal and thinking about Quality Instruction: What is it that you need in order to become even more successful at teaching the core reading program?
Outcomes- Teachers: Discussed the importance of continually improving and adapting instruction. Discussed the importance of collaboration and teamwork as a way of organizing teaching and learning in their school. Begin to prioritize professional development needs in grade level groups.
Quotes “Leadership is practiced not so much in words as in attitude and actions.” Harold S. Green, MCI Communications “I believe that nothing will raise the achievement of children higher, faster, and more evenly that the rising tide of qualified teachers purposefully working together toward a focused goal.” Jack O’Connell, Middle Grades Spotlight, Summer 2005 “Successful change of individuals’ knowledge and practices in classrooms and schools appears to be accompanied by ongoing support and assistance to them as they are implementing the changes.” Shirley Hord, Facilitative Leadership: The Imperative for Change, 1992