Andrew Wiggin (10 years old) Nickname: Ender Occupation: the toon leader of Phoenix army Strength: very intelligent and creative, creates a unique tactic, cold anger, leadership and analyzing the situation. Weakness: likes Valentine and his friend too much. Quotation:”What was the circus I saw out here! Did you call that forming up?” Fun Fact: He decided to defeat his enemies, the teachers.
Valentine Wiggin (10 years old) Nickname: Valentine or Val Occupation: student and also act as Demosthenes in the net Strength: could convince them that they wanted what she wanted them to want. Weakness: too malleable Quotation: “The king had a dream, but he forgot what it was, so he told his wise men to interpret the dream or they'd die. Only Daniel could interpret it, because he was a prophet." Fun Fact: She is suffering that she betrayed Ender by get close to Peter and surrender to him.
Peter Wiggin (13 years old) Nickname: Peter Occupation: student and also act as Locke in the net. Strength: could only make them fear what he wanted them to fear Weakness: too violent and aggressive Quotation: “There are times when the world is rearranging itself, and at times like that, the right words can change the world.” Fun Fact: Want to dominate the world.
Bonzo Madrid (Unidentified age) Nickname: Bonzo Occupation: the commander of Salamander army Strength: discipline, strict Weakness: lack of strategy and arrogant (doesn’t listen to people like too bossy), and fear about one of his soldiers will get over him. Quotation: “But whatever obstacles our officers choose to fling in our path, we are still." Fun Fact: Hate Ender because he know Ender is better than him.
Petra Arkanian (Unidentified age) Nickname: Petra Occupation: the commander of Phoenix army Strength: considerate, supportive, and confident Weakness: she is a girl (unfair treated in Salamander army) Quotation: It's all so military, when you're in the game. School isn't like it is for Launchies. Histories and strategy and tactics and buggers and math and stars, things you'll need as a pilot or a commander. You'll see." Fun Fact: she was the best sharpshooter in Salamander army.