The Rip Van Winkle State
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You will determine why North Carolina was called the “Rip Van Winkle State” in the early 1800’s and create a political cartoon that will influence NC citizens to take action.
Areas in which NC needed improvement Internal improvements Agriculture Manufacturing/industry Education Government Rural Conservative Poor Causes NC was: Effects NC was nicknamed the Rip Van Winkle State Many NC citizens emigrated
I. Internal Improvements A. improve roads and build railroads and canals B. clear and deepen shallow rivers to make them navigable C. needed to connect markets, state, and east/west
II. Agriculture A. western farmers were landlocked B. unnavigable rivers C. swampy land in the east D. mostly small farms E. fewer slaves than most southern states III. Manufacturing – Industry A. money needed to build factories B. difficult to transport goods to market
IV. Education A. one-third of all white adults were illiterate B. few schools, teachers, and books C. attendance was not mandatory V. Government A. state legislature had one representative per county B. most counties were in the east = wealthy eastern planters in control 1. easterners had more developed markets and transportation 2. easterners were unwilling to pay taxes and make reforms
VI.Emigration – many North Carolinians left the state A. not a lot of economic opportunity B. not as democratic as other state governments C. rural, conservative, and poor D. isolated due to an underdeveloped transportation system
VII. Archibald DeBow Murphey A. teacher, lawyer, judge, Senator B. created a plan to improve North Carolina 1. internal improvements – construct harbors, canals, and turnpikes 2. agriculture – drain swampland in the east 3. education – established public schools in the west and created a literary fund 4. government – called for constitutional reforms to create a more democratic government C. his plan was rejected due to a conservative legislature, but his ideas would later influence political changes
What IB Learner Profiles does he relate to? Explain how he relates.
Why might North Carolina be called the Rip Van Winkle State today?
A POLITICAL CARTOON is an illustration that uses symbols to address an issue and influence people’s opinion. (You should not have to provide an explanation of your visual; it should speak for itself.)
Using the concept of the story of Rip Van Winkle, your notes and pages in your North Carolina text, draw a political cartoon that may have been published in a NC journal in the early 1800’s that represents why North Carolina was called the Rip Van Winkle State. Remember, North Carolina was “behind the times”, “not progressing like the rest of the nation”, “dormant”, “rural, conservative, and poor”, “unwilling to make changes”,...
DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS Clearly demonstrates one of the problems that caused NC to be called the Rip Van Winkle state. Everything in the illustration is representative of the time period (early 1800’s). Causes citizens of NC to be ashamed and want to take action.