Supporting Mathematics Instruction Through Social Media Christopher
Pre-Quiz! On your phone, tablet, or laptop..go to Enter the game id: Enter a nickname
Defining #MTBoS
mathtwitterblogosphere – “Teachers of all sorts, from novice to master, guys and girls, and from all over, teaching everything under the sun. The one commonality that we all share is a passion for our craft, and a desire to get a little bit better each year” – All for FREE!
Benefits of Twitter Twitter Chats Global Math Department Meetings Classroom Resources Transparency Community
Twitter Chats At your table, take 3 minutes to discuss the provided prompt. You only have 140 characters 3 minutes
Twitter Chats
Twitter Chats When & What?
Global Math Department Weekly Newsletter Virtual Professional Development (recordings available) Virtual Professional Development (recordings available)
Classroom Resources Virtual Filing Cabinets Virtual Filing Cabinets Google Search (#MTBoS Edition) Google Search (#MTBoS Edition)
Community Imagine a PLC filled with teachers: – From all sorts of places – From all grade levels – With different backgrounds – Who are there voluntarily – Who want to improve their craft – Who want to help others improve – Who are available all the time – Who like math (Craig, M.,
Twitter Math Camp (TMC) Twitter Math Camp is a free professional development meeting run by twitter teachers. TMC 2015 – Los Angeles Maintains the reputation of being the BEST professional development mathematics teachers have attended. Online Wiki with resources from past conferences.Wiki
My #WhyMTBoS
Jumping In Retweet a tweet Tweet a link Reply to a tweet Tweet your own tweet! This is the most welcoming community, but it does take time to build. Don’t be upset if your first few (or more than few) tweets go unnoticed. Try replying to people first, adding a hashtag or mention, or joining a chat. (Craig, M.,
Jumping In Mathtwitterblogosphere scavenger hunt! Mathtwitterblogosphere A post I created just for you
Post-Quiz On your phone, tablet, or laptop..go to Enter the game id: Enter a nickname