Element Baby Book Project Procedure and Example
Introduction In this project you will adopt an element from the periodic table. As the proud new parent of your element, you will create a baby book to remember each stage of your element’s life. This project is worth 100 points! Some parts will be completed in class others done at home
How and When? When: Introduction: 11-6-14 Class work: 11-7-14, 11-12-14, 11-13-14, 11-14-14 Final Project due Date: Thursday 11-20-14 Presentation (small group): 11-21-14 Time line: Research, Cover Page, pg 1 – 11-7-14 Page 2 & 3– 11-12-14 Page 4 & 5 – 11-13-14 Page 6 & 7 – 11-14-14 Page 8 & final touches – Finish over weekend 11-15-14
Process Use the resources listed on your handout or google the element name. avoid Wikipedia During this process remember to include: Color Neatness Check spelling and grammar Fill the pages Be creative!!!
Cover Page 2.5pts. Name of element Picture of the element (in everyday use) Decorative cover
Cover page (poor) example LITHIUM
Better EXAMPLE Larry Lithium
Birth Certificate 20pts Name (name of the element) Lithium Nickname (symbol) Li Birth Date (date element discovered) 1817 Birth Weight (atomic Mass) 6.941 amu Birth Height (atomic number) 3 Race (type of element- metal, non-metal, metalloid) metal Doctor (discoverer) Johan A. Arfvedson Gender (state of matter at room temperature) solid Place of birth (country of discovery) Sweden Signature of Parent (that’s you!) Make it look professional (border, seal of approval, etc...)
Birth Certificate examples Find a style you like and copy it with your elements info. (google images) or type it in yourself to a word document or draw one.
BIRTH CERTIFICATE This is to certify that LITHIUM Birth Weight : 6.941 amu Birth Height: 3 Race: Metal Gender: Solid Nickname: Li Address: 2-1 Alkali Metal Drive Was born in the year of 1817 in the country of Sweden. Physician in attendance was Johan A. Arfvedson Signature of Parent: Mrs. Register
Baby Ultrasound 10 pts. Create a Bohr model of your Element Make sure to include the correct number of protons, neutrons and electrons Correctly identify the electron configuration of your element
Either model is acceptable
Family Tree 6 pts. Create a family tree to place with following information. Family name (name of the group it belongs to alkali metals, halogens, etc.) Brothers and sisters(names of the group members) For each brother and sister include their electron dot configuration
Family Tree examples
The Alkali Metal Family, Group I Cs Na K Rb Li Fr Alkali Metals
Family portrait 6 pts. Create a family portrait to show the uses of the family members Family name (name of the group it belongs to alkali metals, halogens, etc.) Brothers and sisters(names of the group members) For each brother and sister draw them in a way that shows their common use Must include at least 3 siblings
Element’s 1st Baby Picture Draw a picture of your element in a way that shows its real-life uses.
Elements Personality 10pts. In story, cartoon, poem, song, comic or other creative way to show your baby’s personality Color Density Boiling Point Melting Point Crystal Structure
My baby’s Personality Baby lithium has a silvery color that lets him shine like a diamond. He isn’t very dense at 0.53 g/cm³. Don’t get him mad because his boiling point is 1347º C or 2456ºF. He might melt on you if you take his ice cream at 180°C or 356 °F. But overall he’s a great baby with a wonderful cubic crystal structure.