(insert state name) (insert your name)
History of (state name) (state name) is located in the (region name) region of the United States. Its state nickname is (insert nickname) because (insert reason). (state name) became a state on (insert date).
Make up of (state name) The capital is (capital name). One major city is (city name) and it has a population of (insert population) people. Another major city if (city name) and it has a population of (insert population) people. The population of (state name) is (insert population) people.
Historical Landmark #1 My first historical landmark is (insert name of landmark). This landmark is historical because (insert reason).
Historical Landmark #2 My second historical landmark is (insert name of landmark). This landmark is historical because (insert reason).
Historical Landmark #3 My third historical landmark is (insert name of landmark). This landmark is historical because (insert reason).
The State Bird The state bird is the (insert bird name). (insert description of bird) This bird was chosen because (insert reason).
The State Flower The state flower is the (insert flower name). (insert description of flower) This flower was chosen because (insert reason).
The State Flag (insert description of flag) One important aspect of the flag is (insert aspect) and it is important because (insert reason).
Historical Figure #1 One important person from (state name) is (person’s name). This person is important to (state name) because (insert reason).
Historical Figure #2 Another important person from (state name) is (person’s name). This person is important to (state name) because (insert reason).