John T. Costello National Centre for Plasma Science & Technology (NCPST)/ School of Physical Sciences, Dublin City University Outline of Laser Plasma and EUV Research at the NCPST, DCU EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov (2007) EU COST Action MP SWRS
Who are we ? Current Laser Plasma/EUV Facilities & Activities EUV activities at Synchrotron & FEL Sources Opportunities for collaboration/ STSMs Outline of the Talk
DCU Laser Plasma-EUV Research Academic Staff (4): John T. Costello, Eugene T. Kennedy, Jean-Paul Mosnier and Paul van Kampen Current Postdocs (2): Dr. Patrick Hayden, Dr. Pat Yeates Current PhD students (9): Caroline Banahan, John Dardis, Padraig Hough, Conor McLaughlin, Ricky O'Haire, Vincent Richardson, Dave Smith, Tommy Walsh & Jiang Xi Recent PhD Graduates: Mark Stapleton, Jonathan Mullen, Kevin Kavanagh, Eoin O’Leary - open positions for Oct Recent Postdocs: Deirdre Kilbane, Hugo de Luna, Jofre Gutieriez-Pedrogosa, Brendan Doggett, Subo Chakraborti and Jean-Rene Duclere Laser NCPST - 6 laboratory areas focussed on pulsed laser matter interactions (spectroscopy/ imaging) Funded by: SFI - Frontiers and Investigator HEA - PRTLI IRCSET - Embark & BRGS EU - Marie Curie EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov (2007)
Research Domains: 1.Photoionization of Atoms and Ions with Laser Plasma, Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser Light Sources 2.Optical Diagnostics of Laser Produced Plasmas 3.Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) in the vacuum-UV 4.Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) of Materials Some Current Projects: 1.Two colour photoionization of atoms with EUV FELs (& LPLS) 2.UV-Vis imaging, spectroscopy and interferometry of colliding laser produced plasmas 3.VUV-LIBS for Elemental Characterisation in Steel 4.PLD and in-situ P-type doping of ZnO nanostructures Laser NCPST - 6 laboratory areas focussed on pulsed laser matter interactions (spectroscopy/ imaging) EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov (2007) DCU Laser Plasma-EUV Research
EUV DLP Photoabsorption EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov (2007) -Backlighting Plasma I o / Both Plasmas I = I o e - nL -Relative Cross Section / NL =Ln(Io/I) -Species choice x, T, I(W/cm 2 ) -Species: Neutral/ Multiplycharged/Refractory - ~ 1500, t ~ 10 ns, x ~ 250 mm -Isonuclear Sequences/ Isoelectronic Sequences -NEW (07): Two Colour DLP / MCP gated (< 5 ns) Reviews: Costello et al., Physica.Scripta T34, 77 (1991)/ E T Kennedy et al., Radiat. Phys. Chem. 70, 291 (2004) Recent Ref: D. Kilbane et al., Phys. Rev. A 75, (2007) Contact: Costello/ Kennedy/ van Kampen
VUV Photoabsorption (Imaging) EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov (2007) Time resolution:~10 ns (200 ps - EKSPLA) / Spectral range: eV ( nm) VUV bandwidth: ~0.05 nm (50 m slits)/ Spatial resolution: ~120 m (H) x 150 m (V) Time/space resolved images (33 eV) of Ca + species on an expanding plasma plume Time/Space resolved column density image - Ca + at 100 ns Refs: J Hirsch et al., Rev. Sci. Inst. 74, 2992 (2003) & Laser. Part. Beams 22, 207 (2004) K Kavanagh, PhD Thesis, DCU (2006) J Mullen, PhD Thesis, DCU (2006) -NEW 2008: Adding ion-TOF for 2-Colour Photoionization in VUV) Contact: Costello
VUV Laser Induced Plasma Spectroscopy EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov (2007) TISR-VUV-LIPS -NEW 2008: Double Pulse VUV-LIPS -NEW 2009 (?): TRSR-VUV-LIPS Limits of detection: < 2ppm for C/S in Steel Refs: M A Khater et al., Appl. Spec (2002) M. A. Khater et al., Proc SPIE, (2003) J Bengoechea & E Kennedy ET, JAAS (2004) E O’Leary, PhD Thesis, DCU (2007) Contact: Kennedy/ Costello
Colliding Laser Plasma Diagnostics EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov (2007) Refs: D Doria et al., Meas. Sci. Technol. 17, 670 (2006) H. Luna et al., J. Appl. Phys 101, (2007) K Kavanagh, PhD Thesis, DCU (2006) Time Resolved Imaging, Spectroscopy, Interferometry, Shadowgraphy, Thompson Scattering,…. Contact: Costello
EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov (2007) Colliding Laser Plasma Diagnostics Early phase: InterferometryMidlife: SpectroscopyLate Phase: Thompson Scat.
EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov (2007) New Ultrafast Laboratory (2008) Nano-T-Eire network: “Ultrafast Processes and Interactions” electron kinetic energy /eV Delay / fs Low field regime: Int(IR) ≈ W/cm 2 (sideband) 2 = (IR) 2 + (VUV) 2 M Meyer et al., PRA (R) (2004) In equipment tender phase: 3mJ/30fs/1kHz System with (OPA?) / Streak Camera Programme (preliminary) 1. HOHG nm for photo- ionization in intense NIR fields 2. HOHG x 2 (phase effects in photoionization) 3. Diagnostics of Colliding Plasmas Others: Surface science & dynamics H19 H17 (26eV) H21 Ar 3p 6 Ar + 3p 5 VUV IR e-e- 15,76 eV T (laser) = 30fs In equipment tender phase: 3mJ/30fs/1kHz System with (OPA?) / Streak Camera Programme (preliminary) 1. HOHG nm for photo- ionization in intense NIR fields 2. HOHG x 2 (phase effects in photoionization) 3. Diagnostics of Colliding Plasmas Others: Surface science & dynamics Contact: Costello
EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov (2007) Off-site VUV and EUV activities One and Two Colour Photoionization Studies Aarhus: Photoionization of ions with synchrotron radiation D. Kilbane et al., Phys. Rev. A 75, (2007) Photoaborption and photoionization spectra of Rb + between the 4p ionization thresholds DESY Hamburg: 2-Colour (ATI) 1. Opt. Lett (2006) 2. PRA R (2006) 3. APL (2007) 4. Nature Phot. 1, 336 (2007) 5. NIMA doi: / j.nima (2007) Refs: Duesterer/Radcliffe et al.
water window Wavelength range (fundamental): nm ( nm Nov 2007) FEL harmonics nm): 3 rd : 4.6 nm (270 eV) 5 rd : 2.7 nm (450 eV) Spectral width (FWHM): % Pulse energy: up to 70 µJ (average), 170 µJ (peak) Pulse duration (FWHM): fs Peak power (fundamental): Few GW Average power (fundamental): 0.1 W (up to 3000 pulses / sec) Photons per pulse: ~ FLASH: Key Performance Indicators Ackermann et al., Nature Photonics (2007) EU COST MP0601, Pisa, Nov (2007)
Potential VUV/EUV STSMs Incoming: 1.DLP Photoabsorption of Atoms and Ions 2.TI-SR VUV-LIPS and SXR-LIPS (Flat Xtal: eV)* 3.TR-SR EUV-LIPS 4.TR-UV/Vis Imaging and Spectroscopy of Table-Top LPPS Outgoing: 1.HOHG Generation and Applications 2.K-alpha Generation and Applications 3.Plasma diagnostics (Thompson Scattering) 4.Computational (Multifluid/ PIC) Laser Plasma Codes * Spectrometer system may be shipped to DESY mid