State bird Floridas state bird is mockingbird
Orange blossom Floridas state flower is orange blossom
Florida state flag Floridas state flag
Floiridas state nickname Floridas state nickname is sunshine state
Area 58,664 square miles(twenty-second among the state in size)
population My state population is jacksonville
Date of state hood Floridas dateof sratehood is on march3,1845
climate Florida‘s climate is warm.In janary temperatures are some times 70 degrees.summer temperatures are about 90 degrees.Ocean waters keep floridaq from being evenhotter in the summer.
Five interesting facts Florida is the southern most state in the contiental united states(only Hawaii is further south)John Glee became the first American in orbit when he blasted off from Florid’s cape canaveral in 1962 on July 20,1969.only seven years later.St.Augustine is florida’s oldest city, dating back to August 28,1565.
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