Significant People of the Civil War
Union Side (North)
President of the United States President of the United States Main goal was to preserve the Union Main goal was to preserve the Union Member of the Republican Party- which had an anti- slavery platform. Member of the Republican Party- which had an anti- slavery platform. First president to be assassinated First president to be assassinated Abraham Lincoln
Chief Union general By September 1861 he was promoted to general. After a series of victories, including the capture of Vicksburg, Lincoln gave him command of the Union army. He created an overall plan concentrated on Sherman’s march through Georgia and his own assault on the Confederate army in Virginia. Grant accepted Lee’s surrender in 1865, at Appomattox Court House ending the war. Ulysses S. Grant
Carney was the first African American to receive the Medal of Honor, which is the nation's highest military honor Sergeant William Harvey Carney, a member of the 54th Massachusetts Colored Infantry, was awarded the medal for his bravery on July 18, 1863, during the Union assault on Fort Wagner. Carney was wounded there while planting the U.S. flag and refused to retreat until he had removed it, even as he was shot again. William Carney
We will hopefully be watching this sometime after STAAR! Movie Trailer: Movie Trailer: Original-Trailer-.html Original-Trailer-.html Movie: Glory
Born in Chile, South America Navy seaman in Union navy on the U.S.S. Santiago de Cuba, Jan Won the Medal of Honor for service Philip Bazaar
Confederacy (South)
President of the Confederate States of America President of the Confederate States of America Strong supporter of secession and states rights Strong supporter of secession and states rights Attended West Point Attended West Point U.S. General in the Mexican War U.S. General in the Mexican War From Mississippi From Mississippi Jefferson Davis
Commanding Confederate general of all forces When the South seceded, Lincoln offered Lee the command of Union forces but Lee refused, resigned from the U.S. Army, and returned to Virginia to serve with the Confederate forces. In 1862 Lee was appointed to command the Army of Northern Virginia. His battle strategies are admired to this day, but he was criticized for having a narrow strategy centered on his native Virginia. He surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse in Robert E. Lee
Confederate General Got nickname “Stonewall” at First Battle of Bull Run Gifted tactical commander lead his troops at the Battles of Bull Run and Antietam Wounded in left arm by friendly fire after a battle. Arm was amputated. He died a week later. Stonewall Jackson