Conclusions and Generalizations; Analyze/Evaluate Lesson They Called Her Molly Pitcher Unit 3, Lesson 13 Day # 1 Created by: M. Christoff, Enrichment Specialist, Field Local Schools
Objectives for Today Students will draw conclusions and make generalizations from text details. Students will analyze and evaluate text evidence supporting conclusions and generalizations.
A conclusion is judgment reached through reasoning.
A generalization is broad statement that is true most of the time.
Analyze To analyze is to examine carefully and in detail to identify causes, key factors, and possible results.
Evaluate To evaluate is to judge, or determine the significance of something.
Conclusions and Generalizations Good readers use clues in the text and their own experiences to draw conclusions and make generalizations about details the author has not revealed.
Conclusions and Generalizations We will use a Four-Square to record details and draw conclusions about the selection.
The Lantern Boy (Projectable 13.2) “Go boy, light the lanterns! They’re coming by sea! Hurry!” Paul Revere shouted. Thomas rose sleepily from his bed. Before he could think, Mr. Revere was gone. As Thomas rubbed his eyes, it began to sink in.
The Lantern Boy (Projectable 13.2) “The lanterns… The lanterns!” he cried. Thomas sprang from his bed, barely stopping to put on his shoes. He ran to the church. He went over the instructions in his mind. Mr. Revere had said, “by sea.” That meant two lanterns in the bell tower. He hung them quickly
The Lantern Boy (Projectable 13.2) and held his breath. He could only hope the Sons of Liberty would see the signals and be warned that the British were coming.
Think Aloud Paul Revere tells Thomas to light the lanterns because the British are coming by sea. They must have had a plan of action. When I analyze the text, I can gather strong details, such as Thomas’s hope that the Sons of Liberty would see the lanterns, to support my conclusion that they had a plan.
Mr. Revere told Thomas to light the lanterns. Detail #2: Use a four-square map to keep track of text details and reach a generalization about the selection. (Projectable 13.2) Conclusion: They had a plan to warn others about the British. Detail # 1: Mr. Revere told Thomas to light the lanterns. Detail #2: Thomas ran to the church and recalled the instructions for “by sea.” Detail # 3: Thomas hung two lanterns in the tower. Detail # 4: Thomas hoped the Sons of Liberty would see the signals.
Conclusions and Generalizations; Analyze/Evaluate Lesson They Called Her Molly Pitcher Unit 3, Lesson 13 Day # 2 Created by: M. Christoff, Enrichment Specialist, Field Local Schools
Objectives for Today Students will draw conclusions and make generalizations from text details. Students will analyze and evaluate text evidence supporting conclusions and generalizations.
A conclusion is judgment reached through reasoning.
A generalization is broad statement that is true most of the time.
Analyze To analyze is to examine carefully and in detail to identify causes, key factors, and possible results.
Evaluate To evaluate is to judge, or determine the significance of something.
Conclusions and Generalizations Good readers use clues in the text and their own experiences to draw conclusions and make generalizations about details the author has not revealed.
Conclusions and Generalizations We will use a Four-Square to record details and draw conclusions that will help us make generalizations about the selection.
Think Aloud (Generalizations and Conclusions) p. 331 One of the main characters is Mary Hayes, whose nickname is Molly. I think this is important. I will record this detail on my Four-Square Map.
Think Aloud (Characterization) p. 332 Molly sees an opportunity to help the soldiers. No one has told her what to do, but she takes action anyway – even though there is danger all around her. This is information that can help me draw conclusions about Molly Pitcher.
Think Aloud Analyze/Evaluate Molly has decided to bring water to the American soldiers who need it. I know that it is hot and humid on the battlefield, so I’m sure the water helps them. I think this is a smart thing for Molly to do because the British soldiers probably don’t have anyone helping them this way.
How Did Molly Pitcher Get Her Name? p. 331. (Projectable 13.4) Conclusion: Many soldiers knew Molly’s name, and she helped them during the battle. Detail # 1: Her real name was Mary Hayes, and her nickname was Molly. Detail #2: The attack on Monmouth Courthouse took place on a hot and humid June day. Detail # 3: Molly decided to bring a pitcher of drinking water to all the thirsty soldiers. Detail # 4: When the soldiers needed a drink of water, they called Molly over and cried, “Pitcher!”
Think Aloud (Conditions of Valley Forge) Second Paragraph p Think Aloud (Conditions of Valley Forge) Second Paragraph p. 330 – First Paragraph p. 331 The details in these two paragraphs describe the conditions of Valley Forge. It is very cold. Soldiers do not have blankets or warm clothes, and they lack food. Many are sick. Despite these hardships, they stay there. I know when I believe strongly in something, I will put up with a lot to achieve a goal. Based on these details, I can conclude that the soldiers believe strongly in the cause they are fighting for.
Detail # 1: Soldiers didn’t have enough blankets. Analyze the second paragraph of page 330 and the first paragraph of page 331. What generalization/conclusion can you make about the soldier’s motivation to fight, based on their winter at Valley Forge? Pages 330-331 (Projectable 13.4) Conclusion: Soldiers believed strongly in their cause. Detail # 1: Soldiers didn’t have enough blankets. Detail #2: Soldiers didn’t have enough clothing. Detail # 3: Many soldiers got sick and died. Detail # 4: Soldiers didn’t have enough food.
Questions About Molly Pitcher p. 332 – 335 What does Molly do for the soldiers? What does Molly risk when she does this? What dangers does Molly face when helping the wounded man?
Detail # 1: Molly dodged enemy fire to bring water to the battlefield. What generalization/conclusion can you make about Molly Pitcher based on her actions? Pages 332-327 (Projectable 13.4) Conclusion: Molly Pitcher was very brave. Detail # 1: Molly dodged enemy fire to bring water to the battlefield. Detail #2: She moved a wounded man from the line of fire. Detail # 3: She took her husband’s place at the cannon. Detail # 4: She stayed through the entire battle.
Detail # 1: Washington’s horse is not afraid of cannons. What text evidence supports the generalization/conclusion that George Washington was a good leader? pp. 337-338 (Projectable 13.4a) Conclusion: George Washington was a good leader. Detail # 1: Washington’s horse is not afraid of cannons. Detail #2: Washington was always near his soldiers. Detail # 3: Washington’s soldiers do not doubt his judgment. Detail # 4: The soldiers accept Molly’s rank as sergeant.
Review of Conclusions and Generalizations Good readers use clues in the text and their own experiences to draw conclusions, analyze and evaluate, and make generalizations about details the author has not revealed.