Assessment 101 IRI, ISATs, NCSC, EOCs, NAEP, IELA & College Entrance Exams
Assessments your school is required to give (depending on population and grades served): IRI (K-3) or IRI Alt (eligible students K-2) ISATs (3-10 in both Math and ELA; grade 11 is optional, but highly advisable) OR National Center and State Collaborative Alternate Assessment (eligible students 3-8 and 11) ISAT Science (5, 7) or ISAT Alt Science (eligible student 5, 7 and 10) Science End-Of-Course Exams (HS Biology and/or Chemistry) College Entrance Exam (11) IELA (K-12, LEP only) NAEP (4, 8, 12, as selected) Assessment related but not required: PSAT (Grade 10, optional) Digital Library (Formative Assessment) Interim Assessments PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Assessment Overview
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Important ISEE Fields for Assessments District – District ID, School ID, Building ID Student o EDUID o Demographic Information Full Legal Name, DOB, Gender, Ethnicity, etc. o Enrollment Status/Date o Program (Subgroup) Status FRL, LEP, TIA, MIG, NSLP, etc. o Program Specific Information Native Language Code, servSchoolId, etc.
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Important ISEE Fields for Assessments Student Course Enrollment Special Education Student Student Test Results – Optional – Monthly Upload o District Assessments o College Entrance Exam – ACT, Compass, & Accuplacer Placement o Link to state website with fields required for upload:
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Assessment Data Flow - General Overview LEA Load Student Data into ISEE from SIS SDE Load Student Data into Core from ISEE SDE Pull and Send Data to Vendor/In-house Application Vendor Upload Data into Testing Engine CONTINUES…
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Assessment Data Flow – General Overview (Cont.) LEA Administer Assessment Vendor Send Testing Data Back to SDE SDE Load and Match Testing Data to Student Data in Core SDE Report Test Results
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE ISEE Upload Collection Period Key dates for statewide assessments o March 2015 upload: DUE March 20 Will be used to load students into testing engine o May 2015 upload: DUE May 15 Will likely be used for the appeals process Link to submission schedule: chedule.htm chedule.htm
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE ISEE Upload Collection Period ISEE Upload Technical Training o Online Training Manual o Schedule on-site visit with Regional Tech Coordinator o Find your Regional Technology Coordinator at:
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Idaho Reading Indicator (IRI) Data Flow LEA Enter Student EDUID and Test Scores into IRI Application – Fall and Spring (Winter Optional) LEA Review Discrepancy Report – fix inconsistencies SDE Load Student Data into Core from IRI Application SDE Pull and Send Data to SchoolNet for reporting
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Idaho Reading Indicator (IRI) Fall, Spring, and Extended Reading Intervention (ERI) funding determined based on District data through ISEE upload. o Fall and spring scores must be entered into the IRI application without discrepancies to determine appropriate funding o ERI funding determined by Fall scores without discrepancies Discrepancy report o Identifies ISEE reporting issues o Identifies mismatches between IRI Application and ISEE upload
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE ISAT Data Flow LEA Load Student Data into ISEE from SIS SDE Load Student Data into Core from ISEE Upload SDE Pull and Send Student Data to Vendor (AIR/DRC) Vendor Upload Student Data into Testing Engine
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE ISAT Data Flow (Cont.) SCH Administer Assessment Vendor Send Testing Data Back to SDE SDE Load and Match Testing Data to Student Data in Core SDE Report Test Results
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Common Data Problems (ISAT) Some corrections allowed in testing engines: Test Accommodation corrections/changes Add/delete students Some corrections allowed only in ISEE: Demographic Errors Duplicate EDUID/Multiple EDUIDs Wrong Name Teacher/Class Roster Errors
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE ISAT Alt Data Flow LEA Oct: Load Student Data into ISEE from SIS SDE Load Student Data into Core from ISEE Upload SDE IPASS application pulls student and teacher info for assignment availability SCH December 1: IPASS opens for teachers to upload artifacts
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE ISAT Alt Data Flow (Cont.) SCH Late Feb: IPASS closes for artifact submissions SDE March- April: Artifacts scored by Idaho teachers SDE Scoring clean-up and objective/content totals generated and converted to proficiency scores SDE Proficiency scores sent to Core for Star Rating calculations and reporting through IPASS
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Common Data Problems (ISAT-Alt) Student not marked Sped Yes in Student Demographics Student Sped Record Not Created Wrong Service School ID
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Digital Library for Formative Assessment User provisioning: Required if your educators will be using the DL Use of the DL is not mandatory Preview period until September 30; complete Library October 2014 Educators use DL resources and provide feedback All forms, Excel Template, information is here:
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Digital Library Provisioning Data Flow LEA Load Educator Data into Excel Template from your SIS First and Last Name and address only Save as CSV file; unique file name (district & number); no spaces SDE Upload to using FileZilla (ftp client) pg 12 of User Provisioning Guide SCH Users ADDED and NOTIFY person will get notifications immediately
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Resolution to Common Data Problems Related to Digital Library Complete all fields in a row Commas not allowed First row must be NOTIFY; all others ADD CSV filename must not have spaces Use unique CSV file name
Single Sign-On o Digital Library o Interim Assessment – optional o ISAT Available Late Fall ~ Info on SDE Formative/Interim Site o Identical to summative assessment; 3-8 and HS; same items o Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA) o Interim Assessment Blocks 8-9 blocks per grade band (ELA/Literacy) 5-6 blocks per grade band (Math) PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Interim Assessments through Smarter Balanced
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Idaho English Language Assessment (IELA) - Data Flow Load Student Data into ISEE (SRM) from SIS Oct. – Dec. Send CORE data to Questar/Service Point (Pre-ID: LEA Review) March Send CORE file to Questar for reporting purposes April Match SDE file with returned assessments May Preliminary Roster Reports uploaded to Service Point (LEA Review) Early June IELA Reports Available to LEAs online
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Common Data Problems (IELA) Incorrect student LEP status reported LEP status field choice in district SIS is not linked to the correct ISEE code, causing an incorrect export of data LEP language not indicated LEP language indicated for non-LEP student Incorrect or duplicate EDUIDs Incorrect grade assignment
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) Data Flow Westat sends selected student information to School Coordinator and NAEP Field Staff Westat randomly selects students to take NAEP (either math or reading) SDE exports data from Core and sends to Westat from the mid- October upload LEA submits monthly ISEE uploads with data exported from SIS
Changes to Idaho Code o Effective for the SY For changes on qualifying assessments, qualifying make-up opportunities & information including an archived webinar: collegeEntranceExam.htm PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION College Entrance Exams
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION College Board – SAT Data Flow Registration occurs through the College Board system, either online or through a district level bulk upload. SAT School Day – Spring of each school year The College Board sends the SDE a file with student scores. SDE uploads scores into Core and SchoolNet.
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION College Board – PSAT Data Flow Data is collected the day of the test through the test’s bubble sheet – Sent on to the College Board PSAT School Day – Fall of each school year The College Board sends the SDE a file with student scores. SDE uploads scores into Core and SchoolNet. REMINDER: The PSAT/NMSQT administration is an optional state paid assessment.
ACT and/or Compass o LEAs submit scores during appeals window or through the optional Student Test Results monthly file ACCUPLACER Placement o An option only for those students who qualify for the alternate state accountability assessment o LEAs submit scores during appeals window or through the optional Student Test Results monthly file PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION ACT, Compass & ACCUPLACER
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Common Data Problems Associated with Assessments Duplicate EDUIDs Wrong Student Name Wrong DOB Wrong/Missing Program (Subgroup) Status Wrong/Missing Grade Level Wrong/Overlapping Enrollment Date
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Common Data Problems Duplicate EDUIDs o Student records created multiple times with different names (same or different schools) o Resolution Follow chain of command Contact support desk Verification research to identify and merge if necessary Retroactive corrections also needed – Work with ISEE Technical Coordinator
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Common Data Problems Wrong Student Name o Student records created with nickname, wrong name, or non-full legal name. o Resolution LEA verify correct legal name If LEA info is correct, then contact support desk at SDE to correct EDUID record in ISEE Retroactive corrections also needed – Work with ISEE Technical Coordinator
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Common Data Problems Wrong DOB o Student records created with incorrect DOB. o Resolution LEA verify correct birth date If LEA info is correct, then contact support desk at SDE to correct EDUID record in ISEE Retroactive corrections also needed – Work with ISEE Technical Coordinator
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Common Data Problems Wrong Program (Subgroup) Status o Student assigned to improper subgroup(s) o Resolution Make sure data is correct in SIS Include correction in next ISEE upload Retroactive corrections also needed – Work with ISEE Technical Coordinator
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Common Data Problems Wrong Grade o Examples: Student enrollment record (ISEE) cites student in 3 rd grade. During IRI score upload, student listed in 2 nd grade. – Student tested, then subsequently demoted or promoted a grade. Early graduation - student starts in the fall as a as junior, and should be moved to 12 th grade in the spring o Resolution Make sure data is correct in SIS Include correction in next ISEE upload Retroactive corrections also needed – Work with ISEE Technical Coordinator
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Common Data Problems Wrong/Overlapping Enrollment Date o Not Covering Test Date Student not enrolled during testing period or enrollment date is AFTER testing window. o Match-With Student enrollment records ATTACHED to two different schools (within or between districts) o Match-Tie Student enrollment data DUPLICATED EXACTLY in two different schools (within or between districts) o School Mismatch Student enrollment in a school DIFFERENT FROM EXPECTED (IRI upload) o Resolution Make sure data is correct in SIS Include correction in next ISEE upload Retroactive corrections also needed – Work with ISEE Technical Coordinator
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Assessment Overview AssessmentGradeWindow State App. vs. Vendor Key ISEE Monthly Upload ISAT Math and ELA/Literacy 3-10 Nov. – Dec. April - May Vendor (AIR, contact under negotiation) Fall (Oct/Dec) Spring (Mar/May) ISAT Science End of Course Biology and Chemistry 5, 7, 9-12 Nov. – Dec. April - MayVendor DRC Fall (Oct/Dec) Spring (Mar/May)
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Assessment Overview AssessmentGradeWindow State App. vs. Vendor Key ISEE Monthly Upload ISAT-Alt 3-10Oct. – Feb. State Application (IPASS) Updates after a push to Core National Center and State Collaborative Pilot and 12 Oct. 20 – Nov. 15 Vendor NCSC Teacher Administration Portal October National Center and State Collaborative Operational 3-8 and 11 April – May Vendor NCSC Teacher Administration Portal February
PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION IDAHO SYSTEM FOR EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE Assessment Overview AssessmentGradeWindow State App. vs. Vendor Key ISEE Monthly Upload IELA K-12Feb. - March Vendor (Questar) Online Reporting System (Service Point) End of month: Oct., Nov., Dec., and March IRI K-3 Aug. – Sept. April - May State Application (IRI App.) Sept. May NAEP 4, 8, 12Jan. - MarchVendor (Westat)Oct. PSAT/SAT/ ACCUPLACER 10, 11, 12 PSAT – Fall SAT/Accuplacer: Spring Vendor (College Board) N/A
Angela Hemingway – Assessment Director Nancy Thomas-Price – Comprehensive Assessment Coordinator (Digital Library, Interim Assessments, ISAT) Toni Wheeler – ISAT-Alt, NCSC and Accommodations Cathy Salas – ISAT Science and EOCs Nichole Hall – IELA/PSAT/SAT/ACCUPLACER Stephanie Lee – IRI Julie Blackmore - NAEP PROVIDED BY THE IDAHO STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Contacts