Portrait Painter software Prepares a customised ‘Portrait’ profile of any area in Australia Within minutes Using Census and other data Made in Excel, so you can edit at will Published as PDF, to spread the news.
Portrait Painter software Get the data as you need it –write a Portrait of any area within minutes Prepare a set of Portraits –one for every community of interest Compose your own areas –Add or subtract areas to match yours.
Turn this
Turn this …….. into this ……
The Portrait Painter has two parts The Portrait Painter program written in Excel in ‘Visual Basic’
The Portrait Painter has two parts The Portrait Painter program written in Excel in ‘Visual Basic’ The Portrait Template, designed in Excel to your specifications
Just click the LAUNCH button to start the Portrait Painter
Select the Portrait template you want from the pop-up file list
And the Portrait opens
And the Portrait opens with the Portrait Painter menu on top
Prepare now for Census 2011 Design the profile you want: the Census data you need; data from other sources; tables and graphs to show what is important Easy-to-read text giving the analysis you need; the design and style that suits
Sample template - Portrait 2011 Our generic, up-to-date Portrait With 45 topics of socio- economic data Giving a 55 page illustrated report Blending data from multiple sources Made in Excel
The Portrait Painter Menu Create a Portrait in 5 simple steps. Name the places Download the data you need Load your area’s data Load an area for comparison Update the Portrait.
The Portrait Painter Menu Create a Portrait in 5 simple steps. Name the places Download the data you need Load your area’s data Load an area for comparison Update the Portrait.
The Portrait Painter Menu Create a Portrait in 5 simple steps. Name the places Download the data you need Load your area’s data Load an area for comparison Update the Portrait.
The Portrait Painter Menu Create a Portrait in 5 simple steps. Name the places Download the data you need Load your area’s data Load an area for comparison Update the Portrait.
The Portrait Painter Menu Create a Portrait in 5 simple steps. Name the places Download the data you need Load your area’s data Load an area for comparison Update the Portrait.
The Portrait Painter Menu Create a Portrait in 5 simple steps. Name the places Download the data you need Load your area’s data Load an area for comparison Update the Portrait.
Step 1 – name your place 1. Name the place you want to profile. Just type in the details as you want them to appear in your Portrait.
Step 2 – get your data 2. Download any data you need from the ABS website with these buttons
Step 2 – get your data This button opens your web browser at the ABS 2006 Census page
Step 2 – get your data The ABS Census web page opens, having searched for your place.
Step 2 – get your data Then download the data profiles you need from here
Step 2 – get your data This button opens your web browser at the ABS 2001 Census page
Step 2 – get your data This button opens your web browser at the ABS National Regional Profile page
Step 2 – get your data This button will download all the ABS Census data files you need for your LGA
Step 2 – get your data This button will download all the ABS Census data files you need for your SLA
Step 2 – get your data This button will download the 2001 ABS Census data for an SLA with a different 2001 name
Step 3 – load your data 3. Load the data you need into the Portrait
Step 3 – load your data Click to load the ABS Profiles you need. You can add or subtract areas
Step 3 – load your data You can load as many different profiles as your Portrait needs
Step 3 – load your data You can load as many different profiles as your Portrait needs
Step 3 – load your data You can load as many different profiles as your Portrait needs
Step 3 – load your data Even the up-to-date data in the ABS National Regional Profile, the NRP
Step 3 – load your data Then load any special data into the Portrait
Step 3 – load your data Here we load special occupational data
Step 3 – load your data Here we load special occupational data, employment data
Step 3 – load your data Here we load special occupational data, employment data and building data
Step 4 – load the comparison area 4. Load the data for any comparison area you want
Step 5 – Update the Portrait 5. Click Update and your Portrait is written
Step 5 – Update the Portrait 5. Click Update and your Portrait is written You can print preview and print the Portrait in hard copy or as a PDF
Step 5 – Update the Portrait 5. Click Update and your Portrait is written You can save the Portrait with a new name
Step 5 – Update the Portrait 5. Click Update and your Portrait is written You can copy all the text onto the Clipboard, then copy to another program
Your Portrait is served …