1886 “Ajax and Cassandra” [by Solomon J. Solomon]; Same scene from Pompeii fresco Homerus (UVM)UVM
Athena, Cassandra and Ajax Corinthia (Perseus)Perseus [Paseas Painter, 520 BCE]Paseas Painter, 520 BCE
Aeneas, Ascanius and Anchises fleeing Troy (F. Barocci, 1596) Isis (Univ. Texas, with three other images of Aeneas fleeing Troy)Univ. Texas
Diomedes and Aeneas at Troy Tyszkiewicz painter BCE Sequana (Perseus)Perseus [Diomedes wounds Aeneas with a boulder in Homer’s Iliad 5, 300]
Perseus (sic – Aeneas) carrying Anchises from Troy Class of Toronto 315 Painter, Archaic period Leucothea (Perseus)Perseus [Aphrodite on left, Creusa on right?]
J. Brueghel, “The Burning of Troy”, ca Lupus, Cephisia (Stanford indep. study on the mortal women of the Trojan war)Stanford indep. study
Ajax, Cassandra and statue of Athena Athenian RF hydria BCE Oleosa (Beazley Archive)Beazley Archive
Scenes of Troy Malus (Classical Mythology, Princeton University)Classical Mythology, Princeton University
Achilles and Ajax, BF amphora by Exekias, BCE Artemidorus (Beloit, “Trojan War Art Museum”)Beloit, “Trojan War Art Museum”
“Andromache Mourning Hector,” Jacques-Louis David, 1783 Scintilla (Boston College Honors Seminar; webpage on Andromache)Andromache
Dionysos and four satyrs Five warriors in combat Menatius Minor (Perseus)Perseus [Lysippides painter ca. 530 BCE]
Homerus’ playful side: USCUSC; Prof. James Murray, U. Wash. website: wife at Troywife at Troy