Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Lesson 3: Formatting Content Courseware #: 3240 Microsoft Office Word
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Lesson 3 Objectives format text using bold, italics and underline change the font, font size and font color of text adjust the character spacing or position adjust text alignment indent paragraphs change line and paragraph spacing use the Format Painter © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 2
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Formatting Characters Any feature that changes appearance of characters on screen or print FontDescribes typeface or appearance of characters on screen and in print. Font SizeRefers to height of characters. Character Formatting Refers to special stylized variations applied to plain characters to make them stand out from other text. EffectsSpecial effects added to text. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 3
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Formatting Characters To apply formatting to text characters: –On Home tab, in Font group, click formatting button, or –use formatting options in Font dialog box, or –press keyboard shortcut for formatting option, or –right-click text and then click Font, or –click appropriate option on Mini toolbar. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 4
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Formatting Characters Mini toolbar –Appears only when text selected –Turn on or off in File, Options –Most commonly used formatting commands To remove all formatting at once, on Home tab, in Font group, click Clear Formatting © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 5
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Using the Font Dialog Box Access formatting options not in Font group or Mini toolbar, or to apply several options at once To access Font dialog box: –On Home tab, in Font group, click Font Dialog Box, or –press Ctrl+D, or –right-click selected text and click Font. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 6
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Using the Font Dialog Box Click Text Effects –More options for each effect Use caution when applying effects © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 7
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Changing the Character Spacing Times New Roman is a proportionally spaced font. Courier is a monospaced font. Proportionally spaced fonts make reading large amounts of text easier –May cause more white space between words Monospaced fonts use same width for each text character To adjust character spacing: –On Home tab, in Font group, click Font Dialog Box, click Advanced tab for Character Spacing options, or –press Ctrl+D and click Advanced tab for Character Spacing options, or –right-click text, click Font, then click Advanced tab for Character Spacing options © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 8
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Changing the Character Spacing ScaleAlter width of selected text by percentage amount. SpacingAdjust amount of spacing for each character by set amount. Position Raises or lowers selected text from normal position by set amount. Kerning for fonts Alters amount of space between selected text based on characters in selection. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 9
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Formatting Paragraphs Apply format to change paragraph position To apply formatting to paragraphs: –On Home tab, in Paragraph group, click formatting option, or –use formatting options in the Paragraph dialog box, or –press keyboard shortcut for formatting option, or –right-click paragraph, and then click Paragraph, or –on Mini toolbar, click appropriate option. To remove all formatting options from paragraph, click Home tab and in Font group, click Clear Formatting © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 10
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Aligning Text © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 11
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Aligning Text To align text: –On Home tab, in Paragraph group, click Paragraph Dialog Box. On Indents and Spacing tab, click arrow for Alignment and click alignment, or –on Home tab, in Paragraph group, click alignment button, or –press corresponding keyboard shortcut for alignment, or Align LeftCtrl+L CenterCtrl+E Align RightCtrl+R JustifyCtrl+J –right-click paragraph, click Paragraph, in Indents and Spacing tab, click arrow for Alignment and click appropriate alignment. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 12
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Setting the Line Spacing Standard space between lines of typed text To set line spacing: –On Home tab, in Paragraph group, click Line spacing, or –on Home tab, in Paragraph group, click Paragraph Dialog Box. On Indents and Spacing tab, click arrow for Line spacing and click line spacing, or –press shortcut key for most commonly used line spacing options, or SingleCtrl+1 One and a HalfCtrl+5 DoubleCtrl+2 –right-click paragraph, click Paragraph, click arrow for Line spacing and click spacing. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 13
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Setting Paragraph Spacing Amount of space between paragraphs Default is 10pt spacing after every paragraph To set or change paragraph spacing: –On Home tab, in Paragraph group, click Paragraph Dialog Box. In Spacing area, set measurement, or –on Page Layout tab, in Paragraph group, click incremental buttons or type measurement for Before or After, or –right-click paragraph, click Paragraph, and in Spacing area, choose spacing for Before, After, or both. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 14
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Indenting Paragraphs First Line Indent Left Indent, Hanging Indent Left Indent Hanging Indent Right Indent © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 15
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Indenting Paragraphs Left IndentEntire paragraph indents from left margin. Right IndentEntire paragraph indents from right margin. First Line IndentOnly first line of paragraph indents from left margin. Hanging IndentParagraph indents from left margin, with first line “hanging” at left margin. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 16
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Indenting Paragraphs Adjust indent markers using marker in ruler, or select from Tab Selector To move or adjust indent marker: –Drag indent marker, or –click Tab Selector for indent marker, then click ruler at location for indent Vertical line appears as guide for indent position Press Alt to help set precise indent measurements TabFirst LineHanging SelectorIndentIndent Left Indent Right Indent © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 17
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Indenting Paragraphs To set precise paragraph indents: –On Page Layout tab, in Paragraph group, set indent measurement from Left or Right margin, or –on Home tab, in Paragraph group, click Paragraph Dialog Box © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 18
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Using the Format Painter To apply formatting features from one piece of text to one other piece of text: –Select text with formatting features, on Home tab, in Clipboard group, click Format Painter –Move to piece of text where you want to apply formatting features, and select text To apply formatting features from one piece of text to multiple pieces of text: –Select text with formatting features, on Home tab, in Clipboard group, double-click Format Painter –Click each piece of text to apply formatting features To turn Format Painter off: –On Home tab, in Clipboard group, click Format Painter, or –press Esc, or –click another command for another action © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 19
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Summary of Lesson 3 format text using bold, italics and underline change the font, font size and font color of text adjust the character spacing or position adjust text alignment indent paragraphs change line and paragraph spacing using the Format Painter © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 20
Microsoft ® Word 2010 Core Skills Review Questions 1.What does formatting characters refer to? 2.When would you want to change the character spacing? 3.What does paragraph formatting refer to? 4.When or why would you want to change the paragraph spacing? 5.Explain the different indent types and when or how you might use each. © CCI Learning Solutions Inc. 21