Chapter 2 Publishing a Trifold Brochure Microsoft Publisher 2013 Chapter 2 Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Objectives Discuss advantages of the brochure medium Choose brochure options Copy and paste with paste options Wordwrap text Swap pictures using the scratch area and arrange thumbnails Use a picture as a background Copy formatting with the Format Painter Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Objectives Employ typography such as stylistic sets, ligatures, and drop caps Edit captions and caption styles Check the spelling of the entire publication Run the Design Checker Choose appropriate printing services, paper, and color libraries Package a publication for a printing service Explain the use of PostScript files Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Project –Brochure Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Project –Brochure Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Roadmap Customize the brochure template options such as choice, color scheme, and font scheme Edit template text and objects Swap pictures and use picture backgrounds Use the format painter Edit a Publisher form Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Roadmap Use typography to enhance brochure text Insert captions for each photo Check the publication for errors Pack the publication for a printing service Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Selecting a Brochure Template In the template gallery, tap or click BUILT-IN to display the built-in templates Tap or click the Brochures thumbnail within the BUILT-IN templates to display the Brochure template Tap or click the desired template Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Selecting a Brochure Template Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Choosing Brochure Options Choose the desired customization options, and then tap or click the CREATE button Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Displaying Formatting Marks If it is not selected already, tap or click the Special Characters button (HOME tab | Paragraph group) to display formatting marks Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Wordwrapping Text as You Type Select the text in the text box you wish to replace Type the desired text, and notice that Publisher wraps the text when you get close to the right edge of the text box Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Copying and Pasting Drag to select the item to be copied Tap or click the Copy button (HOME tab | Clipboard group) to copy the selected item in the publication to the Office Clipboard Tap or click the location where you want to paste the item Tap or click the Paste button (HOME tab | Clipboard group to paste the copied item in the publication Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Copying and Pasting Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Selecting a Paste Option Tap or click the Paste Options Smart Tag button that appears below the pasted information to display the Paste Options menu Tap or click the desired paste option Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Inserting Multiple Pictures from a Storage Device Tap or click INSERT on the ribbon to display the INSERT tab Tap or click the Pictures button (INSERT tab | Illustrations group) to display the Insert Picture dialog box Navigate to the location containing the pictures to insert One at a time, CTRL+tap or CTRL+click the files you wish to add Tap or click the Insert button to place the pictures in the scratch area Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Inserting Multiple Pictures from a Storage Device Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Selecting Multiple Objects In the scratch area, drag, starting above and to the left of the first object, moving down and to the right of the last object to select Release the drag to select all of the pictures Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Selecting Multiple Objects Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Arranging Thumbnails If necessary, tap or click PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT on the ribbon to display the PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab Tap or click the Arrange Thumbnails button Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Swapping Pictures In the scratch area, tap or click the photo you wish to use in the brochure to display the swap icon From the scratch area, drag the swap icon of the photo you wish to swap to a location over the current graphic on the page When the pink boundary is displayed, lift your finger or release the mouse button to swap the pictures Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Swapping Pictures Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Using a Picture as a Background Press and hold or right-click the picture you wish to use as a background Tap or click ‘Apply to Background’ to display the Apply to Background submenu Tap or click Fill on the Apply to Background submenu to place the picture in the background of the page Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Using a Picture as a Background Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Using the Format Painter Select the text containing the format to copy Double-tap or double-click the Format Painter button (HOME tab | Clipboard group) to copy the formatting Drag through the text to which you wish to apply the copied formatting, or tap or click the text box containing the text to which you wish to apply the formatting Repeat the previous step for each additional item to receive the formatting Tap or click the Format Painter button to turn it off Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Using the Format Painter Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Switching to Page 2 Tap or click the Page 2 icon in the Page Navigation pane to display page 2 Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Editing the Font Family Select the text for which you want to edit the font family Tap or click the Font arrow (HOME tab | Font group) to display the Font gallery Scroll to display the desired font, and then tap or click the font name to choose the font Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Editing the Font Family Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Formatting with a Stylistic Set Select the text to format Tap or click TEXT BOX TOOLS FORMAT on the ribbon to display the TEXT BOX TOOLS FORMAT tab Tap or click the Stylistic Sets button (TEXT BOX TOOLS FORMAT tab | Typography group) to display the Stylistic Sets gallery. Scroll down in the gallery to see the changes Tap or click the desired set Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Formatting with a Stylistic Set Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Examining Ligatures Select the letters to change to a ligature Tap or click the Ligatures button (TEXT BOX TOOLS FORMAT tab | Typography group) to display the Ligatures gallery Tap or click the desired option to enable or disable the ligatures Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Examining Ligatures Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Undoing an Action Tap or click the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar to reverse your most recent action Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Creating a Drop Cap Tap or click the location where you want to create the drop cap Tap or click TEXT BOX TOOLS FORMAT on the ribbon to display the TEXT BOX TOOLS FORMAT tab Tap or click the Drop Cap button (TEXT BOX TOOLS FORMAT tab | Typography group) to display the Drop Cap gallery Tap or click the desired style Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Creating a Drop Cap Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Customizing a Drop Cap With the insertion point positioned before the desired letter, tap or click the Drop Cap button to display the Drop Cap gallery Tap or click Custom Drop Cap at the bottom of the gallery to display the Drop Cap dialog box Adjust the settings as desired Tap or click the OK button to apply the formatting Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Customizing a Drop Cap Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Editing Captions Tap or click the caption text to select it Type the replacement caption text Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Using the Caption Gallery Select the photo containing the caption Tap or click the Caption button (PICTURE TOOLS FORMAT tab | Picture Styles group) to display its gallery Tap or click the desired caption style Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Using the Caption Gallery Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Checking the Spelling of the Entire Presentation Tap or click REVIEW on the ribbon to display the REVIEW tab Tap or click the Spelling button (REVIEW tab | Proofing group) to begin the spelling check in the current location Tap or click the appropriate button in the Check Spelling dialog box for each spelling error identified Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Checking the Spelling of the Entire Presentation Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Running the Design Checker Tap or click FILE on the ribbon to open the Backstage view and, by default, select the Info tab Tap or click the Run Design Checker button in the Info gallery to display the Design Checker task pane Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Running the Design Checker Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Previewing Multiple Pages before Printing Tap or click FILE on the ribbon to open the Backstage view Tap or click the Print tab to display the Print gallery Tap or click the ‘View Multiple Sheets’ button to display the Multiple Sheets gallery Tap or click the desired button to display the pages as desired Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Previewing Multiple Pages before Printing Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Printing on Both Sides If necessary, click the Print tab in the Backstage view to display the Print gallery Tap or click the ‘Print One Sided’ button to display the list of options If your list displays a Print On Both Sides (Flip sheets on long edge) option, tap or click it to select automatic printing of both sides If your list displays a Manual 2 Sided Print (Flip sheets on long edge) option, tap or click it to select manual printing Tap or click the Print button to print the brochure When the printer stops, retrieve the printed publication Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Printing on Both Sides Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Using the Pack and Go Wizard Tap or click FILE on the ribbon to open the Backstage view Tap or click the Export tab in the Backstage view to display the Export gallery In the ‘Pack and Go’ area, tap or click the ‘Save for a Commercial Printer’ tab Tap or click the ‘Pack and Go Wizard’ button to begin the Pack and Go wizard Select the desired options in the Wizard Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Using the Pack and Go Wizard Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Chapter Summary Discuss advantages of the brochure medium Choose brochure options Copy and paste with paste options Wordwrap text Swap pictures using the scratch area and arrange thumbnails Use a picture as a background Copy formatting with the Format Painter Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Chapter Summary Employ typography such as stylistic sets, ligatures, and drop caps Edit captions and caption styles Check the spelling of the entire publication Run the Design Checker Choose appropriate printing services, paper, and color libraries Package a publication for a printing service Explain the use of PostScript files Publishing a Trifold Brochure
Microsoft Publisher 2013 Chapter 2 Complete