The Dark Age (Iron Age): Lefkandi
Greece in the late Bronze Age
Lefkandi - Xeropolis
Lefkandi - Heroön
Lefkandi – Heroön plan
Lefkandi – Heroön drawing
Lefkandi Heroön
Lefkandi – centaur (terracotta)
Lefkandi - centaur
Lefkandi – fibula, gold jewelry
Lefkandi – necklace (gold)
Vases: the Geometric period
Early Geometric amphora, Athens c. 850 BC
Early geometric, detail
Late Geometric amphora by the Dipylon painter, Athens c. 750 BC
Dipylon amphora, detail (prothesis)
Late geometric crater By Hirschfeld painter, Pithekoussai c. 750 BC
Hirschfeld crater, detail
Late geometric, stag, Cyclades c. 650 BC