Linking Working Systemically to Research On Effective Professional Development
2 Session Questions How does the systemic work connect to the classroom level? What does research indicate about the characteristics of effective professional development? What is a systemic approach for implementing effective professional development? 2
3 Working Systemically 3
4 1.Form table groups of six. 2.Select a partner and discuss the most effective professional development experience you have had. Your Experiences with Effective Professional Development 3. Identify what it was about this experience that made it effective. 4
5 Copies of three different articles are on your table, printed on tan, gray, or white paper. As a pair, select one article to read. Each pair should have a different article from the others at their table, so that each article is being read by one of the pairs. Discuss the important points in the article with your partner. 10 minutes for reading and discussing with partner Research on Characteristics of Effective Professional Development 5
6 Return to your group of six; each pair spend a minute or two reporting on important ideas from your article. As a group, create a list of the top five characteristics of effective professional development. One characteristic on each sentence strip Post sentence strips on the wall with painter’s tape Research on Characteristics of Effective Professional Development 15 minutes 6
7 “Although the lists of the characteristics of effective professional development…are valuable, they provide only a starting point in efforts to improve the quality of professional development programs and activities.” Guskey, T. R. (2003). Analyzing lists of the characteristics of effective professional development to promote visionary leadership. NASSP Bulletin, 87(4). Research on Characteristics of Effective Professional Development 7
8 Linking Professional Development, Teacher Growth, and Student Achievement 4. Access resources, develop culture of improvement 3. Design staff development, support teacher learning 2. Specify new teacher knowledge, skills and behavior 1. Identify desired student results 8
9 Teachers meet regularly with colleagues during the school day to plan instruction, work with colleagues to use data to establish professional learning goals, demonstrate a deep understanding of subject matter that helps students to meet rigorous standards, and use educational research when making instructional decisions. Roy, P. & Hord, S. (2003) Moving NSDC’s staff development standards into practice: Innovation configurations. Oxford, OH: National Staff Development Council. NSDC Staff Development Standards 9
10 What is the Profession Teaching and Learning Cycle? The Professional Teaching and Learning Cycle is a six-step process for collaboratively planning, implementing, and refining lessons aligned to state standards. PTLC was developed by SEDL and the Charles A. Dana Center. 10
11 What is the Professional Teaching and Learning Cycle? Focused Job-embedded Continuous Research-based 11
12 The Professional Teaching and Learning Cycle As a Strategy Connects systemic work to classroom level Promotes alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment to standards 12
13 The Professional Teaching and Learning Cycle Data Analysis Standard Identified 13
14 Key Ideas High-quality professional development focused job-embedded continuous research-based responsive to student and teacher needs Framework for collaborative inquiry about teaching and learning Context for building professional relationships through collaborative inquiry 14