How are Birds adapted for survival?
Endothermic vertebrate (warm blooded)
Characteristics: Endothermic vertebrate (warm blooded) Four chambered heart
Characteristics: Endothermic vertebrate (warm blooded) Four chambered heart Lays eggs
Characteristics: Bones are nearly hollow
Characteristics: Bones are nearly hollow If it has feathers it is a bird.
Characteristics: Bones are nearly hollow If it has feathers it is a bird. Contour feathers:
Characteristics: Bones are nearly hollow If it has feathers it is a bird. Contour feathers: large feather that gives birds their shape.
Characteristics: Bones are nearly hollow If it has feathers it is a bird. Contour feathers: large feather that gives birds their shape. Down feathers:
Characteristics: Bones are nearly hollow If it has feathers it is a bird. Contour feathers: large feather that gives birds their shape. Down feathers: used to keep birds warm.
Characteristics: No teeth
Characteristics: No teeth Internal digestion of food in organs :
Characteristics: No teeth Internal digestion of food in organs : Crop
Characteristics: No teeth Internal digestion of food in organs : Crop Gizzard
Characteristics: No teeth Internal digestion of food in organs : Crop Gizzard Stomach