12A Investigate and explain how internal structures of organisms have adaptations that allow specific functions such as gills in fish, hollow bones in birds, or xylem in plants.
Notes: Animal and Plant Adaptations! Have the students make a list of adaptations for some of these organisms – then have them circle the adaptations that are internal or organ related (example: stink glands, poison, mimicry…) the rest should be external adaptations (example: horns, fur, claws, thorns…)
Fish What is an adaptation? Birds The structure or behavior that helps an organism survive in their environment Animals have certain adaptations that help them to survive. Birds What is it about a bird that makes it able to fly? Fish What is it about a fish that makes it able to breathe under water?
Fish Internal Structures internal structures are parts of living things found inside and not usually seen. Gills Gills make it possible for fish to breathe under water Internal structures allow fish to survive in their environment!
How do gills work? First, a fish swallows water through its mouth. Then, the water flows over the gills. The gills extract oxygen from the water which passes back out of the fish beneath the operculum that covers the gills. The oxygen is absorbed through the capillaries into the blood stream of the fish. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TC-OaxQzRU
Located at the end of the bird “tail feathers” and end of each wing What structures allow birds to fly? Wings sternum flight feathers hollow bones "flight feathers" are long, strong, and able to produce lift Located at the end of the bird “tail feathers” and end of each wing Lightweight hollow bones
Compare bird & mammal BONES Bird Bone Mammal Bone * Bird bones are lightweight and hollow. * Mammal bones are filled with bone marrow and are much heavier.
Bird Anatomy Their entire body inside and out has been designed for flight. The biggest muscles a bird has are its flight muscles. These are very strong because they have to raise the entire body into the air. Flight Muscles are located under the Bird’s Sternum and Keel. Where are these muscles found?
Compare Human Sternum Bird Sternum & Keel
Internal plant structures Xylem-System of tubes in a plant that transport water and dissolved minerals. The xylem distributes the water throughout the plant. Xylem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLLe5Bw8evY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGCnuXxbZGk