Music Around the World
Helpful Vocabulary Fingering: The way hands and fingers move on an instrument to make different notes Percussion: A group of instruments that include drums, cymbals, and the timpani Hollow: Nothing inside
Geography Scotland - a country in Europe Australia - a large continent below the equator Cuba - an island in the Caribbean
Bagpipes The Bagpipes are a traditional instrument from Scotland They are played by blowing air into the bag Different notes are played by fingering the pipe under the bag Click here to listen to the bagpipes!
Didjeridoo The didjeridoo is an instrument from Australia It is a long hollow piece of wood that makes noise when a person blows through it The didgeridoo is believed to be at least 1,500 years old! Click here to listen to the didgeridoo!
Bongos Bongo drums are an instrument from Cuba They are part of the percussion family They are played by hand They are usually made from wood or metal Click here to listen to bongos!
Quiz Read the questions and click on the answer you think is correct Question 1: This instrument is a long, hollow stick that makes noise when you blow through it. A. Bagpipes B. Didgeridoo C. Bongos
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Quiz Question 2: This instrument is a part of the percussion family. It is played by hand and is usually made from wood or metal. A. Didgeridoo B. Bagpipes C. Bongos
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Quiz Question 3: This instrument is played by blowing air into a bag while playing notes on the pipe underneath A. Bagpipes B. Didgeridoo C. Bongos
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