The Hidden Treasure Assessment 2 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning
Three Detective Skills Increasing word power (I can find the meaning of words.) finding facts (I can find ‘right there’ facts) hunting for clues (I can find hidden clues) HT_Assessment 2 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning
2. The Hidden Treasure It was not long before he caught his shirt on the thorns. As he tried to pull away, he tore a hole in his shirt. He was very unhappy about tearing his new shirt. But he was a patient man, and did not shout out in anger. Instead, he immediately started to dig a hole around the bush to pull the roots out of the ground. Suddenly, his spade struck something that made a hollow sound. It was a large earthen jar. “What could be hidden here?” wondered Ali. He dug around the jar carefully with his hands to avoid damaging it. It looked like a very ancient jar. When he lifted it out, it felt really heavy. Slowly and carefully, he undid the string and lifted off the cloth. He was shocked by what he saw. The jar was full to the brim with gold coins. “Treasure at last!” he cried. Delighted, he put all the gold coins into the pot to take home to show his wife. HT_Assessment 2 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning
Increasing your word-power HT_Assessment 2 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning It was a large earthen jar. “What could be hidden here?” wondered Ali. metal fireplace field clay plastic a b c d e 1. Which of these means ‘earthen’ in the text? f ???
Increasing your word-power HT_Assessment 2 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning It looked like a very ancient jar. very old Roman broken delicate new a b c d e 2. Which of these means ‘ancient’ in the text? f ???
Increasing your word-power HT_Assessment 2 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning The jar was full to the brim with gold coins. “Treasure at last!” he cried. firewood money animals fireplace blessings a b c d e 3. Which of these means ‘treasure’ in the text? f ???
Increasing your word-power HT_Assessment 2 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning The jar was full to the brim with gold coins. handle markings bottom top half way a b c d e 4. Which of these means ‘brim’ in the text? f ???
How did Ali feel about tearing his shirt? What did Ali start to dig? What sound did the jar make? HT_Assessment 2 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning Find the facts
HT_Assessment 2 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning Finding the facts 5. How did Ali feel about his shirt? Fact found; He was very unhappy about tearing his shirt. angry ashamed unhappy happy bored a b c d e f ???
HT_Assessment 2 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning Finding the facts 6. What did Ali start to dig? Fact found; He dug a hole to pull the roots out of the ground. a hole a drill a trench a spade a rock a b c d e f ???
HT_Assessment 2 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning Finding the facts 7. What sound did the jar make? Fact found; His spade struck something that made a hollow sound. loud soft hollow thud crack a b c d e f ???
Hunt for Clues HT_Assessment 2 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning True or false? The earthen jar was lying on top of the ground. Ali expected to find gold in the jar. Ali emptied the gold out of the pot.
False; “.. his spade struck something …..” (so, the jar was in the soil,) Hunting for Clues HT_Assessment 2 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning 8. The earthen jar was lying on top of the ground. a b false true
False; “He was shocked by what he saw.” Hunting for Clues HT_Assessment 2 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning 9. Ali expected to find gold in the jar. a b false true
False; He put all his gold coins into the pot. (so he must have emptied it first) Hunting for Clues HT_Assessment 2 (c) Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council 2009/SEMA/elearning 10. Ali emptied the gold out of the pot. a b false true