New York State High School Diploma Types Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation with Honors Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation Regents Diploma with Honors Regents Diploma Local Diploma
Requirements for Graduation Minimum of 22 Credits Passing of 5 New York State Assessments Fulfillment of required courses
Minimum Graduation Requirements: 22 Total Credits English1234 Social Studies 1234 Math123 Science123 Foreign Language 1 Art or Music 1 Physical Education (.5)(.5)(.5)(.5) Health(.5) Electives1*1*1*(.5)* This table indicates the minimum credit requirements to obtain a New York State Diploma. (*Electives are any combination of additional courses.)
Regents Diploma vs. Advanced Regents Diploma Regents Diploma Regents Diploma Math Regents English Regents Science Regents Social Studies Regents 5 th Assessment Advanced Regents Diploma 3 Math Regents English Regents 2 Science Regents 1/2 Social Studies Credits (decision pending by NYSED) 3 foreign language credits plus Checkpoint “B”
Local Diploma Only available to students with disabilities or ELL students (requirements are different) Students must obtain a minimum score of 55 on the 5 assessments Can utilize “compensatory scoring option”
New York State Diploma Requirements Local**Regents Regents w/ Advanced Designation 4 English credits (55+ Regents exam) 4 English credits (65+ Regents exam) 4 English credits (65+ Regents exam) 4 Social Studies credits with 1* or 2 Regents Exams (55+ on Global and/or US History) 4 Social Studies credits with 1* or 2 Regents Exams (65+ on Global and/or US History) 4 Social Studies credits with 1* or 2** Regents Exams?? (65+ on Global and/or US History) **Decision Pending by NYSED 3 Math credits (55+ Regents exam) 3 Math credits (65+ Regents exam) 3 Math credits (65+ on 3 Regents exams) 3 Science credits (55+ Regents exam) 3 Science credits (65+ Regents exam) 3 Science credits (65+ on 2 Regents exams) 1 World Language credit (Ch/Pt. “A” Prof. Exam+) 1 World Language credit (Ch/Pt. “A” Prof. Exam+) 3 World Language credits (65+ District Designed Exam Ch/Pt. “B” ) 2 Phys Ed. credits Art or Music (1 credit) Health (1/2 credit) 3 ½ Elective credits 1 ½ Elective credits
Compensatory Scoring Option Must take all five assessments Must obtain a minimum of 55 on Algebra and English regents examinations. If students receives a 65 or higher on a regents exam, that score can be traded for a on a science or social studies examination (1:1)
Compensatory Local Diploma Example 1 Required Regents ExamScore Comprehensive English55 Mathematics62 Global History & Geography46 Science64 U.S. History & Government68 Rationale Student earned a score of at least 55 on both the English and mathematics exams. Student’s score of 68 on U.S. History exam compensates for his score of 46 on Global History exam. Answer: Student may use the compensatory option to graduate with a local diploma.
Compensatory Local Diploma Example 2 Required Regents ExamScore Comprehensive English79 Mathematics86 Global History & Geography45 Science64 U.S. History & Government49 Rationale Student earned a score of at least 55 on both the English and mathematics exams. Student’s score of 79 on the English exam compensates for his score of 45 on the Global History exam. Student’s score of 86 on the mathematics exam compensates for his score of 49 on the U.S. History exam. Answer: Student may use the compensatory option to graduate with a local diploma.
Compensatory Local Diploma Example 3 Required Regents ExamScore Comprehensive English50 Mathematics62 Global History & Geography60 Science73 U.S. History & Government65 Rationale Student did not earn a score of at least 55 on both the English and mathematics exams. Answer: Student may not use the compensatory option to graduate with a local diploma.
Compensatory Local Diploma Example 4 Required Regents ExamScore Comprehensive English61 Mathematics59 Global History & Geography49 Science78 U.S. History & Government52 Rationale Student earned a score of at least 55 on both the English and mathematics exams. Student’s score of 78 on the Science exam can compensate for either his score of 49 on the Global History exam or his score of 52 on the U.S. History exam, but not both. Answer: Student may not use the compensatory option to graduate with a local diploma.
Alternative Route to Graduation: 4+1 Must pass one regents examination in each area of Math, English, Social Studies and Science Must pass one of the following assessments: 1. Pass an additional regents examination in Social Studies OR Math OR Science. 2. Approved CTE assessment (not yet developed and not available for all Wilson Technology programs.) 3. Approved LOTE and Arts Pathway assessment which is yet to be approved
Career Development and Occupational Studies Certificate - CDOS Certificate – Not a diploma Must provide the student opportunities to earn a regular high school diploma and access to the general education curriculum Develop and annually review a career plan At least 2 credits (216 hours) in career-related coursework and work based learning (WBL) experiences. A minimum of 54 hours in a WBL.
Skills and Achievement Commencement Credential - SACC Certificate – not a diploma Must be NYSAA eligible and assessed Must have career related coursework and work based learning experiences Must receive comprehensive student exit summary specific for NYSAA students.
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