Contour Sand Injection Verticutter GRADEN CSI Contour Sand Injection Verticutter
USGA recommend 20% removal of thatch each year… …and this is why?
But how do you do it with coring alone – affecting 5-7% of the surface in an application means coring at least 4 times a year to achieve this. Verticutting is a proven method of Thatch removal and aeration, but going deep had its problems. 15-18% thatch removal was achieved, however grooves folding over and creating a hollow was seen to be a major draw back. The Graden Contour Sand Injector was developed to address this very problem – SUCCESSFULLY!
Aerating, De-thatching, filling the grooves and keeping the turf surface firm in one pass highlights the effectiveness of this piece of engineering
Added bonus’s with this process only became apparent after substantial trial and assessment – the findings…. Improved drainage and nutrient dispersion across the surface Quicker recovery of the turf back to playing conditions meant the golf course revenue returned Less bumps in the surface – regrowth between 4-10 days
A recent development has been the seeder unit A recent development has been the seeder unit. This option not only mixes the seed in with the sand as it fills the grooves, but can also be used with amendments or other dry, fine material
NEW for 2015 Electric lift device Making the raising and lowering of blades a simple switch activation at the end of each run Makes avoiding sprinkler heads on the edge of greens less hastle Improves the control of the operator over the CSI by maintaining both hands on the machine
Verticutting! Check out the site Still the best way to reduce and control THATCH! Check out the site for an operational video of the unit Request a quote: Email: