Root Words Week #2
Av, avi Bird Aves, aviation Aves is the class of animals composed of birds.
Bio Life Biology, biochemistry Biology is the study of living things.
blast Germ, embryo Blastula, blastocyst The blastula is an early stage of embryonic development.
bol Clod Bolus, metabolism A bolus is a clod of food in the digestive tract.
brachi Arm Biceps brachii The biceps brachii is a two-headed muscle of the arm.
calor Heat Calorie A calorie is a unit of heat energy.
Cap, cep Head Triceps, decapitate The triceps is a muscle with three heads.
cardi Heart Pericardium, cardiac arrest The pericardium is the sac around the heart.
carp Wrist Carpal bones The wrist is made up of carpal bones.
Cep, cept Take Receptor, forceps Receptors take and transmit information on the environment.
cephal Head, brain Electroencephalogram An electroencephalogram is a record of brain wave activity.
chlor Green Chlorophyll Chlorophyll is the green pigment in plant cells.
chond Cartilage, granular Mitochondria, condroblast Mitochondria appear as granular objects in the cell.
chord A chord, string Chordata, notochord Chordata is the phylum of animals with dorsal nerve chords.
chrom Color Chromosome, monochrome Chromosomes appear as colorful bodies when stained.
Cide, cis To kill, to cut Pesticide, Incision Pesticides are used to kill agricultural pests.
cili A small hair Ciliary muscle, cilia Ciliary muscles are small hairlike muscles of the eye.
circ Ring, around Circulatory System, Circa The circulatory system conducts blood around the body.
Co, com Together Community, Communicate A community is a group of organisms that live together in the same environment.
coel Hollow Coelenterate, blastocoel Coelenterates have hollow bodies.