CUP JEWELS Cup jewels are chiefly applied to electronic meter, hot water meter, liquid measuring instrument and movement system of single-phase and triphase KHW meter. These cup jewels contain four types: spherical bearing, conical bearings, double cups on one face bearing, and single cup on double surfaces bearing. Material sapphire/ruby, natural agate, crystallite glass and ceramic, etc Order Produce according to specific requirements and drawings, and also can design products for customers.
HOLE JEWELS Hole Jewel contains a series of components that are chiefly applied as supporting bearings to the rotational systems of various accurate chronographs, auto-memorizing apparatus, precise instruments (micrometer, dial indicator) and other apparatus. Main types: Plane straight/olive holed bearing, single-cup plane straight/olive holed bearing, double-cups plane straight/olive holed bearing, raised olive holed bearing, and single-cup raised olive holed bearing, etc. Produce according to specific requirements and drawings, and also can design products for customers Order Material Synthetic sapphire/ruby single crystal α-Al2O3, natural agate, spinel, ceramic, etc.
Specification and Technical Index
JEWEL ROD&PISTON Jewel rod&piston are made of sapphire/ruby,they are widely applied to medicine, accurate machine, accurate measure and inspection and laser technology. They also contribute a lot in the anticorrosion, wearable and hi gh heat conduction environments. Main types: sapphire/ruby rods jewels, single round end rods jewels, double round end rods jewels, jewel rotor laterl pin,etc. Material: Synthetic sapphire/ruby single cryst al αAl2O3, zirconia ceramic, alumina ceramic, SiC, Si3N4 and optical glass. Order Please feel free to contact us if you have any requirements of other ultrahard materials or specification
Specification and Technical Index
BALLS & BALLS MEASURING HEAD JEWELS Balls & balls with drlled hole jewels are made of synthetic sapphire/ruby. They are largely used in heavily corrosive environment and optical fiber communication because of its anticorrosion, wearable and fine transmission characteristics. Balls measuring head jewels are used as insulated measure head on precise instruments. Material sapphire/ruby, natural agate, silicon carbide, ceramic, crystallite glass, spinel, hard alloy etc. Order Produce according to specific requirements and drawings, and also can design products for customers.
Specification and Technical Index
SAPPHIRE SUBSTRATES & WINDOWS Sapphire Substrates & windows are applied as circuit substrates, epitaxial substrates, substrates, oiented substrates to GaN,GaAs. And other, Sapphire possesses nice light transmission in 0.20 ~ 5.50μm wave band, and the infrared ray transmission is hardly influenced by temperature, so the optical components made of sapphire are fully applied to military infrared equipment, observation window for high temperature furnaces, windows for counters, etc. Material Synthetic /ruby, natural agate, crystallite glass and ceramic, BK glass,other ultrahard materials,etc. Order Please feel free to contact us if you have any requirements of other ultrahard materials or specification
Technical Index Surface roughness: Rz0.05 Axis Direction: C-Axis Deviation≤3° Surface quality: S/D 10/5;S/D 20/10; S/D 40/20;S/D 60/40; S/D 80/50 Infra-red Transmission: ≥83% Center Deviation: 0.01mm Orientation: C-plane, A-plane, R-plane RECTANGLES & SQUWRES JEWELS
Specification Technical Index Surface roughness: Rz0.05~ Rz0.2 Axis Direction: C-Axis Deviation≤3° Surface quality: S/D 10/5;S/D 20/10; S/D 40/20;S/D 60/40; S/D 80/50 Infrared ray Transmission: ≥83% Orientation: C-plane, A-plane, R-plane
JEWEL ASSEMBLIES & NOZZLE Jewels assemblies contains a series of products: cup jewel, flat-end surface bearing, flat surface straight holed bearing, flat surface olive holed ring, single cup straight holed ring, single cup olive holed ring, double cups straight holed ring, double cups olive holed ring, etc. These components are embedded with stainless steel, aluminum alloy, brass, and red copper, etc. assemblies Jewels are intensively used as movable and supporting parts on accurate measuring instrument and military apparatus. Nozzle Jewels are made of sapphire/ruby and embedded with brass, red copper, stainless steel and alloy. They are chiefly applied to accurate measuring instrument, machinery, high-pressure water, liquid cutting, medicine and various auto-memorizing apparatuses Material: Synthetic sapphire/ruby single crystal α-Al2O3 Wrap Material: Brass, red copper, aluminum alloy and stainless steel, etc
Specification and Technical Index
SPECIAL JEWEL & CERAMIC COMPONENT Material sapphire/ruby, natural agate, crystallite glass,ceramic, BK glass,other ultrahard materials,etc.
Specification Outside diameter: 0.50 ~ 2.00mm, max deviation of outside diameter: ±0.01 Inner diameter: >0.10mm, max deviation of Inner diameter: ±0.01 Length: 1.00 ~ 2.50 mm, max deviation of length: ±0.02 Outside taper: 45°~ 90°, max deviation of outside taper: ±0.05°