The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar
Templar Law
Knight Templar Uniform
The RIGHT side of the Uniform is reserved for Grand Encampment use, or a name badge!
Delegate Badges are Grand Encampment Badges & are worn on the Right Side of the Uniform (If they are GEKT Jewels, GEKT controls how they are worn)
Delegate Badges are NOT TO BE WORN after THE TRIENNIAL!!
Committee Badges Right Side of Uniform Wear Only the 65 th Badge!
Summer Uniform
The Summer Uniform was designed for Summer Parades & Temples without air conditioning.
A Grand Commandery Conclave, A Grand Encampment Conclave are both FORMAL Events! Please – Wear your Class ‘A’
Templary is a Highly Prestigious Order. We should KEEP it that Way!
It has an appropriate Use. Let’s use it appropriately.
A Grand Commander’s Jewel IS NEVER Worn on a Summer Uniform!
Mixing & Matching
A Fatigue Cap is NOT WORN with a Dress Uniform.
If you don’t want to wear a Chapeau, adopt the White Garrison Cap as an alternative. (Same cap as used with the Summer Uniform)
A REGC Jewel & Cord or a PGC Jewel is NEVER WORN on a Fatigue Uniform!
Grand Commander’s Jewel is only worn on a Dress Uniform
A Fatigue Uniform is worn Un-Adorned!
Templar Uniform at Other Events
Templar Uniform is Generally worn at Templar Events.
Sometimes, we are asked to wear it at other events. (to present Colors)
Symbolic Lodge: Our Uniform is our Apron but – If your Grand Master asks you to wear an apron – WEAR IT!
Usually – Present the Colors in Uniform then retire and put on a sport coat & apron.
Keep in mind, GEKT officers are not the “Jewel Police”
BUT, In order for us to be a FIRST CLASS ORDER We need to look Good & UNIFORM!
Why do you think they call it a UNIFORM?
Problem / Non-Performing Officers: Who Can Remove Them? Under what Conditions?
Can a Commander remove one of his Officers if there is a problem?
Section 71 - It is the Duty of the Commander (a) Of a Constituent Commandery, to see that the Officers and Members of his Commandery duly observe the By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Commandery, the Constitution, Rules, Laws, and Regulations of the Grand Commandery, and the Constitution, Statutes, Rules Regulations and Rituals of the Grand Encampment.
GM Decision under Section 23 (m)… An officer, who shows an utter lack of interest, doesn’t attend, and is an example of gross negligence may be removed from his office by the Commander following a formal “decision” by the Commander finding unknightly conduct by reason of nonfeasance, misfeasance, and/or malfeasance in the performance of the duties of the office of the offending officer. There is no appeal to the Commandery from such a “decision”, but such action by the Commander shall not affect the standing in the Order of such officer or his membership in the Commandery. Such removal may also be ordered by the Grand Commander, for the same reason and within the same limitations. The authority to remove an officer for non ‐ performance of official duties rises from the broad authority of the Grand Commander and the Commander, under the vertical axis of power and authority established by Templar laws, to govern his respective level of Templar jurisdiction. Such authority, when related to the duty of seeing that Templar laws are observed and in the absence of arbitrary conduct by the presiding officer, is practically unlimited.
In the exercise of such authority, the Commander must always by concerned for the good of the Order, and such final step as removal of an officer should be taken as a last resort. It should be only rarely that an officer will not either respond to the needs of the office he has sworn to perform to the best of his ability or consent to resign voluntarily. Even then, the Commander should give written notice to the offending officer to appear at a time and place and justify his conduct, and a third member should be present at such hearing; also the Grand Commander should be informed. While the Grand Commander of the jurisdiction and the Grand Master of the Grand Encampment have similar authority with regard to all officers within their areas of command, it seems best that problems be solved where they exist and not allowed to fester while waiting for action by some higher authority. The Commander has the tools to handle matters at the local level. And he should not expect or invite outside intervention to solve his own problems. (1970, p. 142 & 536, No. 4, Crofts, 1988 digest ‐ 57 & 249)
No Specific Authority in the Constitution. But – A Solid GM Decision Generally agreed that he should seek help of his Grand Commander.
The S.K. Removed May Appeal to the Grand Commandery in Session if he feels unjustly removed by the REGC!
Can a Grand Commander remove one of his Officers if there is a problem?
Section 48 (d) Also to suspend from his office any Officer of the Grand or of a Constituent Commandery, but in no case shall such suspension affect the standing in the Order of such Officer or his membership in the Commandery.
The S.K. Removed May Appeal to the Grand Commandery in Session if he feels unjustly removed by the REGC!
If he does not prevail at his Grand Commandery in Session, he may appeal to the Grand Master!
What about the Grand Master?
Section 23 (d) To remove any officer of a Grand or Subordinate Commandery when in his opinion such officer has been guilty of unknightly conduct.
The S.K. has Appeal at the Triennial Conclave! At which the Grand Master sets the Schedule & allocates the Time!
Under what Circumstances should a Sir Knight be Removed?
It must be a Serious Problem!!! Personal Piques & Grudges have no place in the Decision!
Reason might be: Non-Performance of assigned duties. Improprieties in Financial affairs Illegal or Immoral activities Conduct un-becoming a Templar
Document! Document! Document!
Removal is Serious Business. Never take action without building a Consensus with your Officers!
Talk to your Department Commander. He will consult with the Grand Master.
Make it the Last Resort, and only after all other avenues have failed.
Resignation is always Preferred if Possible!
But, if it must be done, & the removal is in the “Best Interests of Templary” Then DO IT!!
How many votes can a Knight Templar have? In: Grand Commandery? Grand Encampment?
Section 9 Each member present in person or by proxy shall have only one vote. (References Proxies at Grand Encampment)
Decision No. 404 A member of a Grand Commandery has but one vote, which is his individual right. S.K. John Q. Fellows, MEGM 1874
Grand Commanders –
When we call on the Grand Commanders this afternoon:
We laid out specific goals which included your Grand Commandery. They were listed in the January ‘Knight Templar’
Stabilize MEMBERSHIP? Increase VISIBILITY? Improve RITUAL?
Audentes Fortuna Iuvat