Britain in India. India Value of India India provided Britain with a new market to sell their goods. 300 million people lived in India which allowed.


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Presentation transcript:

Britain in India


Value of India India provided Britain with a new market to sell their goods. 300 million people lived in India which allowed Britain to increase their trade substantially. India provided Britain with a variety of spices and goods they could not get in Europe.

British Expansion The Industrial Revolution made the British the highest producing country in Europe. India not only provided trade goods and new markets for Britain but was also a major source of raw materials and natural resources.

Trade Partners When imperialistic countries like Britain traded around the world each trip had to maximize efficiency. When British ships arrived with industrialized goods to sell at market they returned to Britain with raw materials. No empty ships.

Crown Jewel The Indian market and wealth of natural resources quickly made India the cornerstone or Crown Jewel of the British empire. India is often referred to as Britain’s brightest jewel.

British East India Company Private Company Supported by the British government Takes control and governs most of India

Sepoy Enlists Indian soldiers to make up the companies army. Known as Sepoys. Army was needed to protect trade and transport on the coast and countryside.

Sepoy Sepoys worked and protected the British East India Company. The company issues them uniforms and rifles.

Religious Background Most Indians followed the Hindi or Islamic religions in India.

Religious Background In Hindu religions cows are sacred and there is a belief in reincarnation. In both the Hindu and Islamic religions it is unholy to consume pork products and other animal fats.

Conflict of Interest Unaware or uncaring of Indian religious customs the British issued rifles and bullet cartridges to the Sepoy army that were greased with cow and pig fat. In order to load their rifles, Sepoys would have to bite off the end of the casing over the cartridge to load their weapons

Greased Cartridges Why was the British ammunition cased in animal fats? Because of the long distance between Europe and India and the wide range of climates ships needed to travel through, brass ammunition was coated in animal fats to prevent it from rusting and being covered in dirt and jamming the weapons.

Indian Relations Indians began resenting the presence and control of Britain in India. The British treated the Indians as second class citizens in their own country. “For Europeans Only” signs were commonplace. Britain did not allow Indians to control any top government jobs.

Indian Relations British are paid 20 times more income for jobs than Indians are. India was based on a caste system and Indians believed Britain was trying to destroy their custom and belief system.

Indian Relations The Indians believed that the British were trying to convert all Indians to Christianity.

Sepoy Rebellion Also known as the Sepoy Mutiny. Occurs in 1857 Triggered by the use of animal fat greased cartridges.

Sepoy Rebellion Cause British require Sepoys to serve overseas. British allow Hindu women to remarry British used cartridges greased with animal fat British were insensitive to Indian culture. Effect Sepoys brutally massacre British men, women and children. British took terrible revenge, slaughtering thousands of Indians. Sepoy Rebellion left a legacy of hatred and fear on both sides.

Sepoy Rebellion Mutiny took place when Sepoy soldiers rebelled against their British officers and killed them. As rumors spread open conflict erupted between Indians and the British.

Sepoy Rebellion Many atrocities are committed by both sides.

Atrocities Massacres ~ Both sides committed atrocities during the Sepoy Rebellion. One incident occurred at Cawnpore, where a British garrison of some 400, along with several hundred civilians, surrendered to the Sepoys in return for the promise safe conduct and passage. But as the British entered the boats that would take them to safety, they found themselves caught in a murderous crossfire. All but a few of the soldiers were killed. The women and children who survived were later cut down with knives and swords.

Atrocities Retaliation ~ the British responded to such incidents by committing atrocities of their own. When the British retook Cawnpore, they forced their captives to lick the dried blood of the murdered women and children off the floor and then executed them. In Delhi, one Englishman boasted that, “all the people found within the walls when our troops entered were bayoneted on the spot.” Rebels were also hanged and shot without trial. Some were tied to muzzles of cannons and blown to bits.

Result The British government takes control of India and brings in its regular army and navy troops to put down the rebellion. Great Britain now takes control of India instead of the British East India Company.

After the Rebellion Britain launches massive building projects. Infrastructure improvements. Roads Bridges Railroads Garrisons Trade between Britain and India soars.

European Reaction “All over the globe today we see peoples of Europe creating a mighty aristocracy of white races. Those who take no share in this great rivalry will play a pitiable part in the time to come. The colonizing impulse has become a vital question for a great nation. We, in Germany, realize today what opportunities we have missed. The consequences of the last half-century have been appalling, for in them England has conquered the world. We must, and will, take our share in the domination of the world by white races.” 1897 – Heinrich von Treitschke German Historian