PRAISE AND WORSHIP “The Lord is my sheperd, I shall not want” Psalms 23 v 1
Thank You Lord I come before You today And there’s just one thing that I want to say Thank you Lord, Thank You Lord
For all You’ve given to me For all the blessings that I can not see Thank you Lord, Thank You Lord
BRIDGE : With a grateful heart With a song of praise With an outstretched arm I will bless Your name
CHORUS: Thank you Lord I just wanna thank You Lord Thank you Lord I just wanna thank You Lord Thank You Lord
For all You’ve done in my life You took my darkness and gave me Your light Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord
You took my sin and my shame You took my sickness and heal all my pain Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord
BRIDGE : With a grateful heart With a song of praise With an outstretched arm I will bless Your name
CHORUS(1/2): Thank you Lord I just wanna thank You Lord Thank you Lord I just wanna thank You Lord Thank You Lord
CHORUS(2/2): Thank you Lord I just wanna thank You Lord Thank you Lord I just wanna thank You Lord Thank You Lord
You are My all in All You are my strength when I am weak You are the treasure that I seek You are my all in all
Seeking You as a precious jewel Lord, to give up I’d be a fool, You are my all in all
CHORUS: Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your Name Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your Name
Taking my sin, my cross, my shame Rising again, I bless Your Name You are my all in all, When I fall down, You pick me up When I am dry, You fill my cup, You are my all in all
Men Jesus Lamb of God,Worthy is your name Women You are my strength when i am weak, You are the treasure that i seek, You are my all in all Seeking you as a precious jewel Lord to give up id be a fool.You are my all in all.
CHORUS: Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your Name Jesus, Lamb of God, Worthy is Your Name Worthy is your Name Worthy is your name
You Are
CHORUS You are the love of my life You are the hope that I cling to You mean, more than this world to me
CHORUS(cont..) I wouldn’t trade You for silver or gold I wouldn’t trade You for riches untold. You are, You are my everything
I wouldn't take one step without you I could never go on. I couldn’t live one day without you. I don’t have the strength To make it on my own
CHORUS You are the love of my life You are the hope that I cling to You mean, more than this world to me
CHORUS cont.. I wouldn’t trade You for silver or gold I wouldn’t trade You for riches untold. You are, You are my everything
BRIDGE: Until the world stops turning Until the stars fade, from the sky Until the sun stops striving I need You in my life And here’s the reason why!
CHORUS You are the love of my life You are the hope that I cling to You mean, more than this world to me
CHORUS cont.. I wouldn’t trade You for silver or gold I wouldn’t trade You for riches untold. You are, You are my everything