Akofang Balebetse from Botswana BEng Computers and Networks University of Essex, UK Ministry of Communication, Science and Technology Department of information Technology Network Section
About Botswana - landlocked country in Southern Africa - has population of 1.7million people - jewel of Africa – with unspoilt delta and wildlife.
Ministry of Communication, Science and Technology - Comprises of 4 departments 1. Information and Technology 2. Btv 3. Information Services 4. Government Printers and Publishers
Provide connection and support of all government services/applications to all government ministries/departments. Management; administration; maintenance of all government data network devices. Advice on all ICT related matters /standards – e.g. naming, cabling standards, etc. What I do……..
Broadband Backbone – high speed network provided by BTC. 8 nodes: 2Mbps connection between most nodes and 256kbps on other sites. Regional connection – less expensive: BTC’s frame relay and ATM protocols. Most services are in Gaborone; star/ring topology; redundancy and resiliency. Our Network……..
Leased line connection – 64kbps as default; up to 2Mbps. Dial-up services; RAS (Remote Access Servers).
Successful Projects 1. Campus LAN: - Core: Extreme switches (Black Diamond/Alpine/Summit) ;support Layers2/3 - BTC’s ring fibre - BD/Alpine: Gigabit - Other Cisco switches and Routers. - Currently: upgrade on to run at Gigabit: tender evaluation stage 2. WMAN - Only in Gaborone at the moment. - For special sites: interactive applications that require more than 2Mbps supplied by BTC. - Cisco Aero net 350 series - Thinking VSAT for sites where BTC cannot provide. - BW is up to 11Mbps
Successful projects cont…. 3. Video Streaming - 1 st country in Africa to have installed this. - for schools/colleges: to run educational programs + internet access. - via Btv Transponder - Bonus: Government officers are able to watch tv in their offices using their PCs/Laptops. - 4 pilot schools currently 4. Police Microwave - Police use this for their car radios or walkie/talkie; - We use it for data; even connect sites nearby mostly by fibre.
Successful projects cont…. 5. Internet Access - ISP – to government - via Btv Transponder; 1Mbps upload and 4Mbps download - Service provider - Norwegian company - 100Mbps Laser link between core and Btv; problem – no access when foggy or rainy. - Ministries/department access at no cost – cost recovery on planning process.
coming…….. WITFOR (World Information Technology Forum) – Conference in Aug 31 st to Sept 2 nd Botswana will be hosting this delegates/participants expected. - Preparations are on - Sponsorship from companies world wide - If successful: Botswana will be marked as “Africa’s ICT hub”.
Problems……. HIV/AIDS scourge
Thank you !