PC Anywhere By: Neil Meharu Jewel Libid Pete Ramirez Lynn Hy
Presentation Overview: What is remote access control? What is pcAnywhere? Explanation and features. What are some of the competitors? What are the advantages/disadvantages of pcAnywhere? Concluding statement.
Remote Access Control Remote access is the ability to get access to a computer or a network from a remote distance. Methods of connectivity: ISPs, dial up modems, a dedicated line, ISDN, wireless, cable modem, and DSL lines.
Various types of remote access control: Telnet: computers have remote access over the internet using telnet protocols. Terminal Services: its architecture allows applications and user desktops to be transmitted over the network and displayed via terminal emulation software Desktop Remote Access: RAS application already built-in windows XP. Virtual Private Networking Remote Access software
What is pcAnywhere? pcAnywhere is one of the world’s best selling software from symantec that provides helpdesk support, managing and supporting networks, servers, workstations, and mobile PC’s. It runs on all Microsoft 32-bit platforms The latest version is 10.5, and currently, there is beta testing for 11.0
User Interface Simple GUI interface
Key Features: Enhanced Logging: connection failures due to an invalid IP address or security ID Pc Anywhere Packager creates custom install sets that reduce footprint, enforce policies, and customize pcAnywhere Host Assessment tool: The new Host Assessment Tool lets you test the configuration of pcAnywhere hosts to determine if there are other security options that you should take advantage of. Connection status: icon in the system tray now displays information about who is connected to the host
Security Issues: Remote Access Perimeter Scanner detects unprotected remote access hosts on networks and phone lines. 3 levels of encryption that protects the data stream between host and remote computer. Unauthorized access are eliminated with serialization, IP screening, 9 different authentication methods, and Integrity checking.
Competing Products GoToMyPC Carbon Copy/Net Laplink Reach Out Timuktu PcDuo NetMeeting VNC
Pros Secure Remote Control Custom Installations Manage servers and Provide Heldesk Support Price ($48) Simple Interface
Cons pcAnywhere: Requires: Software Installation Security configuration Firewall configuration Configuring the Connection Connection Costs Management Features
Windows XP Requires – Need not purchase software, the Remote Desktop Connection software is preinstalled with Windows XP – A remote computer running Windows 95 and a more recent version of Windows must have the Remote Desktop Connection client software installed
Conclusion Remote Access (remote desktop): enables you to get access to a computer or network from a where at any time
Key Terms Remote Access Control (RAC) Virtual Private Network (VPN) Telnet Terminal Services
Sources: Symantec pcAnywhere: Telnet: Windows 2000 Terminal Services: minal.asp minal.asp oedesktop/default.asp cAnywhere_Comparison_White_Paper.pdf