The Tower of London Jana Pokorná
History of the Tower Its history goes back to the 11th century – it is more than 950 years old. King William the Conqueror ordered the construction of this fortress to protect London. It was a castle, a royal palace, a prison, a mint, a zoo and a museum. The White Tower was the tallest building in London when finished in 1097, it´s 27 meters tall and it´s also the oldest building.
Famous Prisoners The kings and queens put their enemies there, some of them died – they were executed. Among the prisoners were two wives of King Henry VIII, two little Princes or Sir Walter Raleigh (it is said that headless Sir Walter Raleigh visits the Tower as a ghost). Two little Princes were the sons of King Edward IV. When their father died, their uncle Richard arrested them in the Tower. They disappeared and nobody knows where. It is said that King Richard killed them. For the last time it served as a prison during the World War II.
The Jewel House In the Jewel House we can see the Crown Jewels. The exhibition includes the crowns, scepters, orbs, swords and other jewellery used by British kings and queens. They are very valuable, in fact priceless. We can see here the largest cut diamond in the world – the First Star of Africa. In 1671, Colonel Thomas Blood tried to steal the jewels, but the guards caught him. Today, the Crown Jewels are secured and it is almost impossible to steal them.
The Beefeaters Inside the walls of the Tower we can meet men in historical uniforms – they are the Yeoman Warders, sometimes called „the Beefeaters“. Originally they guarded the prisoners. Today they live in the Tower and they also guide tourists.
The Ravens When we wander around the Tower, we can see black birds on the grass. These are the famous ravens. The legend says that London and the kingdom will fall when the ravens leave the Tower. The ravens are allowed to stay in the Tower and their wings are clipped so they can´t fly away.
Plan your visit The Tower is one of the most popular tourist attractions in London. It is located near the River Thames. Up to 3 million visitors come to the Tower every year. You will be next – so….. ENJOY YOUR VISIT !!!
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