Bunnicula Vocabulary
Admiration A feeling of pleasure, respect, and approval.
Tranquil Free from trouble or disturbance
Gypsy A member of a wandering group of people who came to Europe from India in the 14th and 15th century.
Decipher Decode
Mongrel A dog of a mixed breed.
Chapter 3-4
Pendulum Weight hung by a cord so that it can swing freely back and forth.
Dialect A variety of language spoken in particular places or people.
Zucchini A long, narrow squash
Obscure Difficult to understand.
Taut Pulled or drawn tight.
Indulgent Not strict, giving into something.
Romp Rough, lively play.
Chapter 5-7
Blight Various diseases that wither or destroy plants.
Organic Raised or grown without man-made fertilizers, pesticides, or drugs.
Grimace A facial expression that shows disapproval or pain.
Nursing Taking care of oneself.
Pendant A hanging ornament, as a jewel suspended from a necklace.
Immobile Incapable of moving or being moved.
Feline Of the cat family.
Listless Having little interest in anything.
Chapter 8-9 Vocabulary
Petrified to make unable to move or act, as because of fear or surprise.
Over wrought Too nervous or excited; strained; tense.
Disaster A happening that causes much damage or suffering; as a flood or earthquake; catastrophe.
Psychiatrist A doctor who takes care of people who are mentally ill.
Reluctance Not wanting to do something; unwilling.
Narrative A story; a report or happenings; tale.