Phase 2 Awareness Sessions Dates: 30 th June 2008 & 1 st July 2008
2 Version: Agenda 10:00Coffee & Registration 10:30 Introduction and update from APUC – Louise Burke 10:40 Update from Collaborative Procurement 11:15Questions & Answers – Collaborative Procurement 11:30 Coffee 11:45Plan & Scope of ePS Phase 2 Implementation - Lynn Peterson 12:15 Phase 2 Pathfinder College update 12:30 Lunch 13: 30 Interface – Alistair Dinwoodie (CAP Gemini) 13:45 Interface Questions & Answers – Breakout Session 14:30 Best Practice Indicators Training
3 ePS Progress within HE/FE Sector Live Implementations University of AberdeenEdinburgh College of ArtUniversity of Abertay University of DundeeElmwood CollegeWest Lothian College Heriot-Watt UniversityGlasgow School of Art Aberdeen CollegeInverness College Adam Smith CollegeJewel and Esk CollegeStatistics: Angus CollegeKilmarnock College2,643 users Anniesland CollegeLangside College2,800 suppliers Ayr CollegeNorth Glasgow College43,606 orders Barony CollegeNorth Highland College£18.2m throughput Borders CollegePerth College Cardonald CollegeReid Kerr College Carnegie CollegeRoyal Scottish Academy of Music & Drama Central College of CommerceStow College Clydebank CollegeUHI Millennium Institute
4 ePS Progress within HE/FE Sector Current ImplementationsFuture Implementations University of EdinburghUniversity of Strathclyde Robert Gordon UniversityQueen Margaret University Napier UniversityGlasgow Caledonian University Angus College (Phase 2 Pathfinder)University of Stirling Adam Smith College (Phase 2 Pathfinder)University of the West of Scotland Reid Kerr College (Phase 2 Pathfinder)
5 Phase 1 Update - Testimonials North Highland College – Roddy Ferrier, “staff comfortable with using ePS”. RSAMD – Irene Gillespie, “APUC implemented PECOS at the RSAMD on the 6th and 7th of May Since then we have placed several orders with our preferred stationery company benefitting from substantial savings. We find the process very easy to use and have experience good service from APUC and our stationery company”. Carnegie College – Ken Haig, “the more orders we place the more comfortable we become with using ePS”. Anniesland College – David Gilmour, “of the few orders placed the lead time has been reduced and I am impressed by the speed of delivery. On the whole I am very positive”. Inverness College – David McLean, “all seems to be going well with ePS. A good implementation, very nice staff working on the implementation, very positive all round”.
6 Phase 1 Update - Savings Borders College – identified 5% savings Kilmarnock College - Savings between 12% and 44% on Lyreco - average of 5.15% on all products Perth College - Lyreco 59% cheaper across the 3 orders placed. Jewel & Esk College –Approx 1.5 staffing expenditure £27,000 p.a. – Reduced staff interruptions, from filling, manual delivery (manual to £15,000 p.a. – Reduced cost of paper & pre-printed pads - £1,500 p.a. – Reduced cost of printing and postage from previous faxing - £1,000 p.a.
7 Phase 2 Overview Project Scope –75 users, combined total of requisitioners and approvers –additional departments –System Administration rights to enable institutions to add new users, suppliers and Financial Tracking Codes –Addition of APUC contract suppliers Timescales –5 to 8 week project plan –Roll out due to start September 2008, completion August 2010 Resources –1-2 APUC members available –1-2 local members of staff required to work alongside APUC staff Interface File –File transfer from PECOS to Finance System
8 Phase 2 Project Plan – 6 Weeks Pre-Implementation (Weeks)Project (Weeks) Tasks Phase 2 Scope Meeting - Draft Project Plan Initiate Integration Developments Submit Workbook for Completion Sign off Customer Agreement* Data Gathering (Workbook) Confirm Project Timescales, Scope & Resources Finalise Workbook Schedule Workshops As Is Workshops / ARG's Gaps in Data / Final data gathering/ ARGS To Be Workshops System Configuration Process Baselining Test Configuration Supplier Adoption Training Go Live Support
9 Phase 2 implementation plan 2008 September October West Lothian CollegeCarnegie CollegeAvailable November December Dumfries & Galloway College Available 2009 Quarter 1University of AbertayGlasgow School of Art Elmwood CollegeKilmarnock College Quarter 2Cumbernauld CollegeR.S.A.M.DPerth CollegeCentral College of Commerce Quarter 3Stow CollegeEdinburgh College of Art Anniesland CollegeForth Valley College Quarter 4Inverness CollegeUHI Millenium Institute Clydebank CollegeLangside College Cardonald College
10 Phase 2 implementation plan 2010 Quarter 1Stevenson CollegeBorders CollegeBarony CollegeAyr College Quarter 1Glasgow College of Nautical Studies Glasgow Metropolitan College Quarter 2Motherwell CollegeSouth Lanarkshire College Coatbridge College Quarter 2Scottish Agricultural College North Glasgow College Telford College Quarter 3Oatridge Agricultural College John Wheatley College James Watt CollegeNorth Highland College Quarter 3Moray CollegeNewbattle Abbey
11 Interface Requirements Ongoing data gathering with each institution to establish understanding of finance system, internal systems and integration requirement Integration development will be carried out in parallel with onsite project Data transfer from PECOS to finance system will be available for go-live of phase 2 for each institution
12 Next Steps Project Planning –Target Departments –Requisitioners & Approvers Allocation of Resources Completion of Workbook –User Details –Financial Codes –Approval Plans Confirmation of Current Internal Processes Initiate Integration Developments Identify High transactional value, high volume suppliers. Migrate to APUC Contract suppliers
Any Questions?