Postmodernism Conference for Women in Ministry Earl Creps
Norman Denzin, “Postmodernism and Deconstruction.” in Postmodernism and Social Inquiry, eds. David R. Dickens and Andrea Fontana. New York: Guilford Press, 1995, “Postmodernism refers to many things. In the arts, architecture, and humanities, it signifies recent aesthetic developments that challenge conventional modernist conceptions of structure, meaning, beauty and truth. In the social sciences, it connotes non-totalizing, anti- foundational form of theorizing about the social world. Temporally, it refers to a period in world history extending from the end of Word War II to the present era. As a new historical era, postmodernism is most often defined theoretically in terms of the emergences of multinational forms of late capitalism… More important, as the object of social inquiry, postmodernism refers to a new form of society, one that has been radically transformed by the invention of film and television into a visual, video culture.”
postmodern temperament analysis D: disappointed R: reactive S: spiritual P: perspectival
disappointed “Probably not being loved is a big fear that we all have. You have a desire to have connection.” --Joan Jett
reactive [Elizabeth Ashley, USA Today, Oct 23, 2003, 2A] “Protestant Puritanism is still the foundation of American life and culture…The fundamentalist perspective denies pleasure. We see that in politics today—the lack of logic and irony, the utter madness of it.” [re: commenting on the revival of Tennessee William’s plays]
"To the ancient of old, the question was how to conform the soul to reality, and the answer was in virtue and wisdom. But to the contemporary modern, the question is how to reconfigure reality so it conforms to our passions.“ --C.S. Lewis perspectival
spiritual [Jewel, Rolling Stone] "I'm just a person who is honestly trying to live my life and asking, 'How do you be spiritual and live in the world without going to a monastery?'"
buffy’s religion [ m/ct/2002/008/36.10.html] m/ct/2002/008/36.10.html "I consider myself a spiritual person," she told Scotland's Daily Record. "I believe in an idea of God, although it's my own personal ideal. I find most religions interesting, and I've been to every kind of denomination: Catholic, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist. I've taken bits from everything and customized it."
culture as Rorschach test spiritual disappointment reactive perspectival
P ost M odernism S yndrome
P entecostal M issionary S yndrome