BSRBR-RA UK CRN ID: 7302 March 2014 update
Recruitment Certolizumab Must have diagnosis of RA Must be registered within 6 months of first dose of certolizumab Can be re-registered if already on the study Tocilizumab Must have diagnosis of RA Must be registered within 6 months of first dose of tocilizumab Can be re-registered if already on the study Anti-TNF Comparison Cohort Must have diagnosis of RA Must be registered within 6 months of first dose of etanercept, adalimumab or infliximab Numbers recruited up to 22/01/ As of 22/01/ As of 22/01/ As of 22/01/2014
Recruitment July 2011January 2014 Certolizumab recruitment by month Tocilizumab recruitment by month Anti-TNF cohort recruitment by month Dec2011January July 2011 January 2014
Recruitment 01/07/2013 – 22/01/2014
BSR Region Awards July 2013 – January 2014 North West East Midlands West Midlands
Help is available with the BSRBR-RA If you do not have enough staff support currently, then in England the National Institute for Health Research Comprehensive Clinical Research Network (CCRN) may be able to provide assistance What is the CCRN? The CCRN is made up of 25 Comprehensive Local Research Networks (CLRNs) which cover the whole of England. Each local Network facilitates research within their region, with the aim of widening participation in research. A study is eligible for CLRN assistance if it has been adopted on to the Network portfolio of studies; the BSRBR-RA was adopted on to this portfolio in 2008 (ID: 7302). How can my CLRN help me? The CLRN may be able to help by assisting in R&D set up or by providing funding for the people/facilities you require in order to carry out research in which you are involved in. For example, you may be allocated research nurse time or a data clerk to assist with the recruitment and follow up of participants on the BSRBR-RA. How can I apply for CLRN help? You should contact the team within your regional network (details found via the link below) to discuss your requirements. You will then have to complete an application form, with which we can help. The BSRBR-RA Study reference number within the Network is 7302 – please remember to quote this when asking for help with the study. If you need any help with completing the paperwork, please contact
Is there help outside of England? Regional Support Northern Ireland The Northern Ireland Clinical Research Network (NICRN) may be able to provide assistance in Northern Ireland in the same way as the NIHR CCRN in England, please contact the team to discuss requirements: Wales The National Institute for Social Care and Health Research Clinical Research Centre (NISCHR CRC) may be able to provide assistance in Wales in the same way as the NIHR CCRN in England, please contact the team to discuss requirements: Scotland NHS Scotland may be able to provide assistance in Scotland in the same way as the NIHR CCRN in England, please contact the team to discuss if support is possible for you : _ClinicalResearchNetworks.html
Recent BSRBR-RA publications – Biologic treatment response among adults with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: results from the British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Register. McErlane, F., Foster, H., Davies, R., Lunt, M., Watson, K., Symmons, D. & Hyrich, K (2013). Rheumatology (Oxford), [Epub ahead of print], DOI: /rheumatology/ket248 – Anti-TNF therapy in women with rheumatoid arthritis with a history of carcinoma in situ of the cervix. Mercer, L., Low, A., Galloway, J., Watson, K., Lunt, M., Symmons, D., Hyrich, K. & BSRBR_Control_Centre_Consortium, B (2013). Ann Rheum Dis, 72(1), – The risk of gastrointestinal perforations in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with anti-TNF therapy: results from the BSRBR-RA. Závada, J., Lunt, M., Davies, R., Low, A., Mercer, L., Galloway, J., Watson, K., Symmons, D., Hyrich, K. &, B (2013). Ann Rheum Dis, [Epub ahead of print]
Accessing BSRBR-RA data
Recent/ongoing research projects via the BSRBR-RA data access scheme Non-inflammatory pain mechanisms as confounders in the clinical assessment of synovitis in RA Study of fatigue in inflammatory arthritis Effectiveness of TNF response define by season of initiation of therapy, with particular focus on vitamin D To explore the influence of gender and gender-related variables on severity of prognosis for RA Obesity and clinical response to anti-TNF medication
Dr Audrey Low – Jewel in the Crown oral presentation Title: Incidence and severity of myocardial infarction in subjects receiving anti tumour necrosis factor drugs for rheumatoid arthritis: results from linking the British Society for Rheumatology biologics register for rheumatoid arthritis and the myocardial ischaemia national audit project. Session: Jewels in the crown Session Date and time: Tuesday Apr 29, :15 PM - 4:15 PM Talk time: 3:35PM - 3:55PM Dr Audrey Low – poster presentation Title: Non-differential reporting of myocardial infarction to a national observational drug safety study using linked data: linkage of the British Society for Rheumatology biologics register for rheumatoid arthritis and the myocardial ischaemia national audit project. Poster number: 039 Session Date and time: Tuesday Apr 29, :30AM - 11:30 AM Dr Lucia Silva-Fernandez – oral presentation Title: The influence of anti-TNF or Rituximab on cancer incidence in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who have had a prior malignancy. Session: Rheumatoid arthritis oral abstracts Session Date and time: Wednesday Apr 30, :00AM - 10:30 AM Talk time: 10:00AM - 10:15PM
What to look out for in the future 1) Web portal development The Robertson Centre at the University of Glasgow are going to develop a new web portal for online data capture. The portal will include the facility to register new patients as well as enter follow-up data for patients already on the study
Acknowledgements UK Consultant Rheumatologists and Specialist Nurses Comprehensive Local Research Networks BSRBR-RA Control Centre Consortium British Society for Rheumatology Arthritis Research UK Centre for Epidemiology, Manchester