1 Project & Programme Management certifications made easy Grow your Business Reduce your Costs Simplify your Operation Michael McLaughlin - Regional Manager UK, PEOPLECERT
2 About PEOPLECERT More than 3,5 millions of exams delivered to date Delivering exams across 135+ countries every year Online & Paper based exams in 24 languages 10,000+ exam locations worldwide Award winning in-house online invigilation solution 24/7/365 customer service, 10 languages, 30 toll free numbers, & chat 1,000+ external associates
3 Comprehensive Portfolio (300+ Exams and growing…) …and many more!
4 Some of our Training Partners
5 Delivering services to…
6 Commitment to Quality Accredited by NHAS according to ISO as Personnel Certification Body (since 2006) Certified by Lloyd’s Register according to: ISO 9001 Quality Management (since 2003) ISO Customer Satisfaction and Complaints Handling (since 2006) ISO Environmental Management (since 2006) ISO Information & Data Security (since 2008) ISO Use of IT in the delivery of assessments (since 2013) ISO Business continuity (in progress, Q4 2014) “Committed to Excellence” distinction from the EFQM Full Member of the International Personnel Certification Association (IPC)
7 Customer focus and responsiveness, our No.1 priority Centralized Operations for security, flexibility and efficiency Multilingual Customer Service, 24/7/365 (10 Languages) Toll-free numbers for 30 countries Customer Service Response / Resolution Time KPIs : Calls/Chats 95% in less than 30 sec / 15 min s: 95% in less than 15 min / 30 min Dedicated, Experienced and Long Standing Management team Private Ownership, committed to business with fast decision making High Ethics, Experience in working with not for profit organizations
8 PPM exams redefined Innovative & flexible exam administration solutions for hassle free and secure exam process, including In-house online invigilation (your customer is our customer) e-delivery of exam papers Instant marking - scan & upload answer sheets No need to courier back exam papers online exam booking and payment e-certificates Web based reporting tool Certifications offered globally, through an extensive network of training organisations, corporations, and test centres worldwide
9 Our IT approach In-house Software Development team of 40+ full time people (R&D dept.) Close interaction with Business teams in the last 10 years Parent - Child - Grandchild structure Multi level real time reporting Tailor made partner solutions (e.g. Customised Candidate Surveys after each exam) Commitment to mobile (exams on iPad since 2012) New! iPhone app for exam administration Seamless, simple and secure exam administration and testing systems
10 State-of-the-art, reliable and fully scalable IT Infrastructure Servers in Europe, US, Australia and Hong Kong with a 99.99% uptime guarantee In-house Online Invigilation (Proctoring) Full recording of the exam process (exam, the candidate and the proctor) Trained and Certified Professional invigilators (proctors) Disaster recovery and Business Continuity process compliant with ISO An integrated platform for all certification needs, accommodating all users Our Crown Jewel!
11 We help to grow YOUR business Grow your business & increase your market share Global market insight Market analysis by internal marketing team Global expertise with local know-how Geographically located Regional Managers Tailored sales & marketing tools Regional seminars and conferences Hall of Fame Lead generation opportunities & Joint visits Locate a training provider Executive and Regional Management
12 We help to grow YOUR business Global Network of Pearson VUE & Prometric (Foundation) Quality services - your competitive advantage 10 day accreditation 2-3 day accreditation for trainers Increase your profit margins by cutting down on costs Reduce postal costs with scanning and iPhone Competitive pricing Simplify your operations Continuous process & system innovation based on ATOs, delegates input In house staff of 40 IT pros release updates every 45 days Rely on the partner who can help you stay ahead of the game
13 Exceptional candidate experience Online registration through simple steps Options for paper, online or online proctored exams 24 exam languages available Dedicated portal to upload any documents/prerequisites online User friendly platform for a great exam experience 24/7/365 multilingual customer support Instant results e-certificate to download and print Hard copy certificate dispatched in 2 days Online certificate verification
14 In Short : Why PEOPLECERT Commitment to Quality, Responsiveness and Customer Service Technical Capacity and Know-How for Continuous Innovation Broad and increasing product portfolio “Full Menu” certification services, including Online Proctoring Customisable, Online reporting for all services offered Efficiency and Fast Decision Making
15 A global operation A picture is worth 1000 words!
16 Exam sessions for the last 12 months* *A session can include more than 1 exam
17 Thank you! We are happy to help you 24/7/365!