Governance: Stage 1 & 2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset
A 5x5 Model Webinar Governance Stage 1&2 University Licensees Presenters o Ginny Z. Berson o Maxie C Jackson III o Craig Beeby, USA January 24, pm EST
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset o How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station o How to create the kind of institutional relationship that lasts beyond the current dean or VP who loves you o How to create the kind of cooperative relationship that enables the station to call on the resources of the university where appropriate
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station You cannot hide. Your station is one of the most visible services on campus. University administrators should be cognizant of the broad contributions the station provides to the different areas of university importance.
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station Create relationships fruitful for station & licensee. Trust What part of the university/college is worth illuminating? PSA’s News Source Interviews
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station What parts of the university/college departments & schools should be brought into universal buy-in? Administration – (Average President’s Tenure 5 years)
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station What parts of the university/college departments & schools should be brought into universal buy-in? Vice President or higher reporting structure – station’s performance is more likely measured by outward focused performance with the community Reporting to a Dean or lower – station’s performance measurement is more inward focused (how many students)
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station What parts of the university/college departments & schools should be brought into universal buy-in? Your responsibility as station administrator is to translate the station’s performance into the paradigm of measurement important to the entity of which you are communicating. How are the athletic department and alumni association measured for performance? Station should be measured the same.
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station What parts of the university/college departments & schools should be brought into universal buy-in? Weekly or monthly communications to all departments & administrators #PSA’s for departments (give examples, give statements to entities showing in-kind underwriting rate value)
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station What parts of the university/college departments & schools should be brought into universal buy-in? #News stories featuring faculty experts as resources #Special campus events #Awards or Special accomplishments by the stations
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station What parts of the university/college departments & schools should be brought into universal buy-in? How to become part of University/College? (Being a Team Player) Staff members active in staff advisory counsels Attend important functions hosted by Administration Treat licensee like your biggest contributor or major donor because THEY ARE! Be visible on campus
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station What parts of the university/college departments & schools should be brought into universal buy-in? Communicate Annual Value Describe Weekly Cume: How many times does station fill stadium or arena each week? Quantitative Worth Public Service Value Public Relations Value
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station What parts of the university/college departments & schools should be brought into universal buy-in? Add Visual – Stadium Or Arena Stadium Holds 60,000 6 or 7 Weekends per year Radio Station Audience Fills the stadium 52-weeks Each Year
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station What parts of the university/college departments & schools should be brought into universal buy-in? Athletic Department - Stadium Holds 60,000 6 Weekends per year X 6- 5-Hour Periods Per Year
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station What parts of the university/college departments & schools should be brought into universal buy-in? Radio Station Audience - Fills Stadium 52 Weeks per year X 52 Weeks Per Year
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station WNCU North Carolina Central University Public Service Annual Value $2,398,794 = listener support + CPB grants + gifts & grants from nonprofits + value of community volunteer hours + imputed value of listening by non-members
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station WNCU North Carolina Central University Public Relations Annual Value $861,480 = underwriting rate X IDs + hour segments + news stories + PSAs
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station WNCU Equivalent Annual Value to NCCU Public Service Value $2,398,794 Public Relations Value $ 861,480 Total $3,260,274
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station The University/College Holds the license. Start with what is the licensee’s motivation? Public ServiceLife-long Learning Training StudentsHistorical Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station When to start communicating if you are not already? NOW! If you wait, at some point someone else will be starting the discussion of what you do and your station’s future using “their paradigms.” This is usually when you have all the wrong structures & the Board structure works against you. Inaction is an action.
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station Public Service Translates into What for Licensee? MissionOutreachCrown Jewel University “Front Porch” Expands Campus Boundaries – On-Air & On-Line Contacting people with and without an affinity to Licensee
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station Brag in manner that boss and university can take the credit and they can take to their bosses, boards, and constituencies
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset o How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station o How to create the kind of institutional relationship that lasts beyond the current dean or VP who loves you
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to create the kind of institutional relationship that lasts beyond the current dean or VP who loves you The internal university reporting structures are critical to the success of the station. An efficient structure results in an effective line of communications between station management and the FCC broadcast license holder (board of regents, board of trustees, or school board)
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to create the kind of institutional relationship that lasts beyond the current dean or VP who loves you University’s administration and governing body should recognize that the FCC licenses the station to serve the community’s interests and needs and therefore utilize broad outward-focused performance measurement criteria that define the station’s importance and influence its success within the university and throughout the community
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to create the kind of institutional relationship that lasts beyond the current dean or VP who loves you By placing a station high on the administrative reporting ladder, the university is broadening the station’s focus which improves the station’s ability to surpass university performance measurements.
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to create the kind of institutional relationship that lasts beyond the current dean or VP who loves you Since top-level administrators are more likely to embrace public service as an important station focus, they are also more likely to understand the importance of the station to the university.
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to create the kind of institutional relationship that lasts beyond the current dean or VP who loves you Compare station’s reporting chain of command to those of the Athletic Department, the Alumni Association, and/or the University Foundation. These entities are usually recognized as broad-based outward-focused units representing the university as a whole and providing outreach and services to external communities. Your station should be recognized equally with these entities
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to create the kind of institutional relationship that lasts beyond the current dean or VP who loves you If you do not already have one create a station advisory group, a friends’ board, or a friends’ support group for the station The clarity of the word “Board” can be complicated in University environments. This is not the University Board or University Trustees. The station will define it.
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to create the kind of institutional relationship that lasts beyond the current dean or VP who loves you If the station does not already have planning documents, develop them and include a mission statement, goals, and objectives Review the university’s mission statement and their goals and translate how the station fits into those plans.
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to create the kind of institutional relationship that lasts beyond the current dean or VP who loves you Communicate your station’s value to multiple upper administration resources Send out monthly s to all the campus administrators touting the station’s accomplishments and the ways the station promotes the university.
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to create the kind of institutional relationship that lasts beyond the current dean or VP who loves you Get 100% agreement and buy-in among the station staff and endorsements from the station advisory group, major funders, political connections, and other key individuals whom the university respects and trusts.
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset o How to get the licensee--at every level--to understand the value of the station o How to create the kind of institutional relationship that lasts beyond the current dean or VP who loves you o How to create the kind of cooperative relationship that enables the station to call on the resources of the university where appropriate
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to create the kind of cooperative relationship that enables the station to call on the resources of the university where appropriate Sometimes you simply have to wait for university administrations to leave
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to create the kind of cooperative relationship that enables the station to call on the resources of the university where appropriate Be patient It takes time and energy that will be added to all the other jobs and duties the GM has.
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to create the kind of cooperative relationship that enables the station to call on the resources of the university where appropriate Find strong allies within the university There were a few times that successful persuasions were as the result of a power within that you will know nothing about. Your station’s friends have friends, too, and sometimes you will not know all of them.
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to create the kind of cooperative relationship that enables the station to call on the resources of the university where appropriate Integrity is Everything It takes years to build trust and integrity, but it can be lost quickly. Within the university, your trust factor is your strength. If you are trusted you will be heard. If you make a promise … fulfill it. You provide the vision for the future of the station.
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to create the kind of cooperative relationship that enables the station to call on the resources of the university where appropriate Do not get caught in the personality trap “I really like reporting to _____ because he or she is great!” What happens when this great person leaves?
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to create the kind of cooperative relationship that enables the station to call on the resources of the university where appropriate Conclusion Change is not the exception but the rule, so have in place an on-going licensee education process that extends beyond the administrator to whom you commonly report.
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to create the kind of cooperative relationship that enables the station to call on the resources of the university where appropriate Conclusion Regardless of how much or how little financial resources the university supplies the station, they still own it and you are hired to protect it for them, and in some unfortunate instances, from them.
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Your Station as a Valuable Asset How to get the licensee--at every level-- to understand the value of the station How to create the kind of institutional relationship that lasts beyond the current dean or VP who loves you How to create the kind of cooperative relationship that enables the station to call on the resources of the university where appropriate
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Discussion Craig Beeby Ginny Berson Maxie Jackson & YOU
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees Craig Beeby University Station Alliance
Governance - Stage 1&2 University Licensees