TREE SELECTION Plant Material Maintenance
Why Trees? Sequester carbon Create ecosystems Make oxygen Create shade Filter pollutants Reduce noise and wind Protect soil from erosion … and they are nice to look at!
Matching the tree to the site
Which plant would make the best screen? ArborvitaeBurning Bush
Which plant is the best selection for a soil with a pH of 7.5 – 8? Pin Oak Northern Pin Oak
Iron chlorosis on Pin Oak growing in high pH soils
Which shrub is the best selection for a shady, moist area? Summersweet Clethra ‘Sunset’ Weigela
Trees and shrubs with variegated or colored foliage tend to lose variegation or color when grown in the shade.
Which of the two evergreens is the best one to plant in Iowa? Scotch Pine Black Hills Spruce
“…the Morton Arboretum does not recommend the species (Scotch Pine) for contemporary landscapes.” Diplodia tip blight on Pine
Which species is best suited for growth in one of these…?
Red Maple (fall color) Amelanchier (in flower)
Red Maple: very intolerant of wounding. requires acid soils. intolerant of restricted root zones. Amelanchier: adapts to urban situations including low soil oxygen. adapts to restricted root space.
Which of the following Magnolia species has the best chance of surviving in Cedar Rapids, IA? Magnolia soulangeanaMagnolia grandiflora
Magnolia grandidentata is commonly known as Southern Magnolia. It is hardy to zone 6; Magnolia soulangeana is hardy to zone 4. USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map
Acclimation The gradual process by which a given tree adapts to changes in it’s environment. Some trees acclimate to the shade by producing larger, thinner leaves.
Microclimate The climate specific to the actual planting site. Restricted root zones. Reflected light and heat from buildings or paved areas. Exposure to strong winds. The soil conditions of the site. Poorly drained, wet soil.
Site Analysis
A site analysis is performed before a landscape plan is designed and installed. Climate Hardiness zone; precipitation; light; prevailing winds Soil pH; texture; bulk density; CEC; nutrients; volume Planting site Surrounding buildings; paved surfaces; utilities Other plantings Existing trees/shrubs/flowering plants/turf
Tree characteristics to consider
Consider… Hardiness Growth habit Size Height Spread Root zone requirements Attributes Flowers, fruit, bark, etc. Resistance to insects and diseases Light requirements Drought resistance pH requirements Salt tolerance
Lacebark Elm bark
Honeylocust thorns
Green Ash samaras
Malus ‘Red Jewel’
The End